
Unit 8 D2 Health And Social Care

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According to the Diagnostic Manual of Mental Disorders (fifth edition). It states that an individual with Autistic Spectrum Disorder has persistent defects in the social communication and social interaction across multiple contexts. They have restricted, repetitive patterns of behaviour, interests, or activities. For a diagnosis to be made, symptoms must be present in the early developmental period. Symptoms can cause clinically significant impairment in social, occupational, or other important areas of current functioning. These disturbances are not better explained by intellectual disability or global developmental delay [1].
Furthermore, not until in 1943, when Leo Kanner published his paper ‘Autistic Disturbance of Affective Contact’ were people identified and recognised with a similar definition of what we consider autism to be today [2]. However, for many years Autism Spectrum Disorder was included under the umbrella term of schizophrenia and beforehand they were classified as simply having mental retardation [3]. Consequently, throughout …show more content…

This supports people to engage in meaningful activities that are done either every day or frequently and focuses on the patients’ independence. Most patients would have been taught a trade as work was encouraged and routine was implemented to mirror life outside the institution. The patients' labour would also benefit the mental institution as it contributed to its self-sufficiency, consequently, reducing costs. The work was separated by gender with men working outdoors on the farm, market garden or workshops and women were instructed to work only indoors such as in the laundry room, the kitchen and the sewing rooms while keeping the institution clean

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