
Use Of Modern Day Transcendentalism In Into The Wild, By Jon Krakauer

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The effects of one's action can tarnish the well being of any parent. How can any parent ever revert back to a life of normalcy, when it comes to devastating news about their children? How effective are modern day transcendentalist? Are we lead to believe that self-centering, highly intelligent transcendentist are experience and consciousness of their surroundings. Or are these transcendentist suffering from something greater? Possibly depression, bipolar disorder or a psychological illness? Are they clever enough to avoid any illusion or hallucination one may experience for being a transcendental. The book “Into the Wild” has great representation of modern-day transcendentalist, the author, Jon Krakauer was introduced into mountain climbing, …show more content…

Where there wasn’t anyone to tell him, no, don’t follow that route. We don’t want you to hinder all that we have indure, your parents want more for you.. He grew weary of his surroundings, he tried too hard to make sense of the everyday world. Tired of the representation of a good samaritan, McCandless could care less what everyone else did, prior to that very moment. He wanted to choose the path that he wanted, just like his heroes Jack London and David Thoreau. McCandless wanted to break the cycle that was taught by his parents, to be a model …show more content…

Both fathers are highly educated, one is a Nasa engineer and the other a doctor. Krakauer father was greatly disappointed that Jon did not want to study medicine. Could this be a sign of transcendentalism in the early stages,and not be noticed by his father? An illness, that his father never noticed. Or was it that Krakauer father too busy to diagnose his son? Or what caused the strain, that Jon’s father left? Jon loved to write and climb, that’s what dove him to excel at everything he did, to show his father he didn't have to follow the same route and him. McCandless on the other hand accomplished many obstacles at a young age in a short lifespan. When we compare McCandless to his father, we gather their relationship was rocky from the start. Having McCandless father leaving his first wife, to be with Chris’s mother.Walt had to support two families. That drove a sense of resentment toward his father. Both parents were workaholics, never anytime to spend with Chris nor his sister Carnie. There were arguments that erupted in verbal abuse, all to be witnessed by Chris and his Carine. This was essential for Chris and Carnie to become real close to one another. This poised Chris to challenge everything head-on, right now, applying full brunt of his energy towards anything he went after. You can see the similarities of both men. Is it pure adrenaline that is driving to stray away or

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