How Does Organizational Culture Affect Organizational Behavior

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Organizational culture refers to a set of distinct value system which enables an organization to effectively coordinate it activities and the internal relations of its members. Organizational culture provides workers with the blueprint with which to understand the functioning of the organizations by sharing in its norms, values and rules and regulations (Chang and Lee, 2007). According to Lok and Crawford (2004) organizational culture has remarkable effect on the workers perception and regard for organizational membership as well as continuity with the organization. If the employees of the organization have more understanding with the organizational culture they will have more job Satisfaction (Chang and Lee, 2007).
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Schwepker (2001) support the argument that there is a positive and statistically significant relationship between employee turnover intentions and actual leaving behavior as it is described by various studies. In other words, the intention to leave a job is an immediate precursor to actually leaving. Lambert et al.(2001), stated in their study that employee turnover intention can be affected by the various measures of satisfaction with work roles and expectations; it is also stated that, employee turnover intention can be considered as a symptom of poor work relations and dissatisfaction at the workplace. A decrease in employees turnover shows increases in organizational performance which also reduces the cost attached with hiring, and retraining of new employee’s, (Egan et al., 2004). According to Silverthorne (2004), turnover causes significant expense to an organization with regards to costs of hiring anew employee and loss of experience associated with quitting …show more content…

2008). Workers are unique, have different backgrounds, therefore different cultural attributes are deemed desirable by different people. Each worker has a unique perspective which is a function of their individual personality and preferences (Bellou 2009; Johnson and Johnson 2002; Palthe and Kossek 2003). Thus, the perceptions or interpretation of organizational culture will not be uniform among the workers of the organization. Some cultures will be desirable and value congruent with some workers, while the same culture may have the opposite effect on others. However, studies indicate that while some cultural attributes may appeal to most workers, while others appear to have an opposite effect. It is therefore likely that organizational culture is associated with both stress management and employee turnover intentions in predictable

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