Emily Bronte's Vengeance

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VENGEANCE: A comparative study of Emily Bronte’s Heathcliff and Martina Cole’s Marie.
Emily Bronte published Wuthering Heights in 1847 and passed away the following year. In this novel, she created the protagonist Heathcliff, an orphan who after adoption became victim of everyone’s hatred & cruelty thus deprived of all basic aspect of life. He grew up with a feeling of extreme vengeance as motive of life and teaches everyone a lesson for their wrong doing. Martina Cole came up with Faceless in the year 2001 with Marie Carter as the lead. Her family disliked and disowned her because of her rebellious and un-conventional approach towards life. It made her go astray in life, getting associated with wrong people thus ending up in prison …show more content…

At Wuthering Heights, Heathcliff ‘often escaped with Catherine to moors in the evening and remain there all day’. (41) Once on being banished from sitting room for making noise, he with Catherine stepped out of the house and didn’t return till late at night. Coming to Marie, at young age only she had experimented with drugs, alcohol and sex. She was caught red-handed in the act with her Maths teacher, charged her school mates five cigarettes for sex etc. ‘No matter what her mother did, beat her, grounded her, put her in care, Marie wouldn’t change (113 ). In fact, her own mother developed a notion that Marie caused trouble so as to become centre of …show more content…

Both are shown as quite adventurous, rebellious, and fun-loving individual. Undoubtedly, both were emotionally weak, with carefree attitude and prone to apathy in their tender age. As a result grew up in an environment of deprivation and hatred thus developing a sense of extreme wrath toward wrong doers. It was their firm determination to teach a lesson to culprits that they worked hard in respective direction so as to attain their ultimate goal-revenge. Heathcliff who was an orphan with almost no education escaped from Heights and later emerged with lot of wealth and controlled the life of almost all individual’s there thus devastating them. Similarly, Marie who was victimized and made culprit in a double murder case spent her twelve years in prison. After being released from there and later on learning about her false implication as well as miserable life of her family due to a single individual gave her firm determination to chalk out a plan to take revenge. Though none i.e. neither Heathcliff nor Marie could take vengeance as one overcame that feeling with passage of time and another one got it in a