Verbal Meaning In Logos

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Every language that is uttered by people as a tool of communication always involves meanings (Chafe, 1970). The meanings cannot easily be understood due to the abilities of each person which based on the knowledge they have. The meaning itself includes a sign. In Linguistics, the study about sign and meaning is called semiotics. In other words, semiotics is a study of sign, especially between written or spoken signs and their referent in the physical world or the world of ideas (Collins English Dictionary, 1983).
Sign and symbol are part of the semiotic. The knowledge of sign can be applied to explain anything, which can be seen as signifying any meaning and message. In case it is applicable to everything which has meaning within the language. …show more content…

The analysis of signs in logos can be divided into two types of sign: verbal and visual sign. Basically, Chandler (2001:27) stated that verbal sign is defined as something that deals with text and word. Visual sign is defined as the pictures or gestures that are not spoken, but still can convey meaning. Multiple meanings or a single can be created by a sign, the relationship between sign can generate a different set of meanings and an active sign always generates some meanings.
As we know one of the various logos were Spyderbilt. The Spyderbilt logo will be analysis separately by verbal and visual signs to identify the types of sign in it. The verbal and visual signs will analyses within 2 types of signs are signifier and signified. The aims to find the types of clothing company logos.
Considerably, the content found in verbal and visual signs it can find the meaning based on the 7 types of meaning by (Leech:1974). The types of verbal and visual signs in logo with the selected meaning can be concluding finds the types and meaning of clothing company …show more content…

Initially the goods are produced in the form of shirts, but as the development needs and customer demand, the product was expanded to pants, wallets, handbags and other accessories. But clothing company is different with the Distribution Store (Distro).
Distributions derived from the Distribution Store which can be interpreted as a place, outlet or store that specifically distributes products of a community. It usually comes from a community of independent music bands, Indie Bands and skateboard community. Their products typically consist of albums such as Indie Band up to the shirts and accessories and apparel products for skateboard.
The Distro consequently concluded that the distribution is an outlet or store that functioned as the distribution channel of the products Clothing Company of a community. An interesting part of the distribution arrangement design of the interior layout is its own characteristics between the first Distro and from the other Distro. Another important thing is the logo as a symbol and a tagline message for supporting the brand

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