Essay On Gender Differences In Campus Safety

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Introduction and background Females across the globe will all have a unique perception of their safety at campus. However, a large portion of the perception will be shaped by the female’s initial experiences on campus. For example, during the first year of study a female falls victim to no offences. Her perception of the campus would then be that the campus is safe. However, it would be a completely difference case for a rape victim who may struggle to ever feel safe again in the same environment. The possibility and occurrence of victimization, personal and property offences can create a perception of fear that is in some cases validated and not so in others. Literature Review Gender does have a role in the perception of campus safety regardless of the data about the occurrence of …show more content…

On the traditional campus, males were significantly more likely than females to report overall victimization and specifically personal victimization, and females were significantly more likely than males to report overall indirect victimization (personal and property). Interestingly, the exact opposite was found among respondents attending the urban university (Tomsich, Gover & Jennings, 2011).” Therefore, from the above literature review it can be seen that each campus will require their own data collection and analysis as each campus varies in context, females’ perceptions of their campus safety and the frequency at which offences occur on campus. Although genernalization of findings will be extremely difficult, research of this manner will help solve the general problem of campus safety as campuses can share solutions/techniques/actions used to improve campus safety and students perception of their safety. Different campuses can then adopt the solutions in order to meet their own unique security needs. Rationale (aims and

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