The audience of the poem is angry and sad about the awful event. People who are open to hear her message need hope and encouragement to move forward from the shooting. The purpose of her poem was to show Virginia Tech that they can move on while still mourning about their classmates. Overall, the main purpose was to show how strong they all are. The Virginia Tech massacre is the subject of the poem.
The main symbol in All The Bright Places is the bell tower located at their school. The bell tower has allowed the whole story to be created because without it Theodore or Violet meeting they wouldn’t exist to each other. The meeting of Violet and Theodore has impacted both of their lives gratefully. Violet has helped Theodore feel comforted and less angry around her, well Violet feels brave around him as she might get better. Most times Violet doesn’t allow Theodore to fix her though
She is reminded of the violence that torn not only communities apart but families as well. How the social norms of the day restricted people’s lives and held them in the balance of life and death. Her grandfathers past life, her grandmother cultural silence about the internment and husband’s affair, the police brutality that cause the death of 4 young black teenagers. Even her own inner conflicts with her sexuality and Japanese heritage. She starts to see the world around her with a different
This is an important role of poetry because everyone loses something precious to them at some point in their life. Her next example talks of a person who can receive
The first section deals with hard headed African American women. Using prominent historical figures like Rosa Parks and Condoleezza Rice to help push the narrative along. The first poem in the section was “Red Velvet” in which she narrates the struggle of one one seamstress that became an important figurehead of a movement. She goes from there to poems about victims of hurricane Katrina in “Left” and finishing off the section with some choice words about George W. Bush in “Plunder” and one of the people under his command in the “Condoleezza Suite”. all the poems in this section
The poem takes the perspective of a confused fourteen year old girl in school,who is saying goodbye to her best friend. Without a reason the speaker's best friend turns on her because of the recent
In “haning fair” she 's all alone no ne by her side. Her mom isn 't there for her at all she only cares for herself, that 's what hurts her daughter more than anything. Not being able to have a mom at such a young age is stressful, I feel like stuff like this liker mom not being able to provide for her makes her want to do a lot of things to herself. She always manages to keep her head held i high though she learns to dance and be happy without anyone by her side. I feel like this poem was such a relatable one for me and many others who don 't have it the best.
Reflection: Throughout the book, I enjoyed reading about how such a young girls life can be changed very quickly by one short moment. I liked learning about the different personalities of the friends Lucy made. Levi my favorite character in the novel, seems like alike to me because we both enjoy photography while being more quiet and reserved rather that Windy a with a very loud, bold, and outspoken personality. One part of the book that made me think was why did Lucy’s dad abandon her.
Oliver starts the poem by calling her audience, “you” and pulling them in to listen. The poem does a great job of convincing the reader of their true worth by comparing the lives of troubled people to the simple lives of geese; Mary Oliver makes the reader feel like their problems are not as big. She forces the reader to realize that life goes on around them whether they choose to see it or be enraptured in their
Sarah Thebarge’s story is beautiful but when accompanied by her magnificent writing skills it becomes a masterpiece. Her writing style and word choice really hook you in and help you develop an emotional connection to the characters. Hadhi and Sarah had both experienced so much pain in their short lives; Hadhi had spent her whole life fighting her circumstances and environment while Sarah was being attacked by her own body. Hadhi had suffered through poverty, war, abuse, and the loss of three children but she had still struggled to get to America where they dreamed of a better life but upon arrival she was faced with the difficult reality, she had no skills, she could barely speak English and had never learned to read, her husband abandoned
The tone changes throughout the novel from coarse and cold to encouraging and vibrant. Near the beginning of the book as the reader is still creating their impression of Melinda, the narrator says, “It’s an old janitors closet that smells like sour sponges… a cracked mirror tilts over a sink with dead roaches crocheted together with cobwebs… This closet is abandoned-it has no purpose, no name. It is the perfect place for me” (25-26). Described here is a cold, melancholy and lonesome tone that shows the readers Melinda’s true opinion of herself and her self worth.
It was also interesting to contrast my thoughts of what was happening in the story versus the illustrator’s thoughts, as that they were very different, and are very different to every reader. The illustrations also allowed me to see into yours and Dave McKean’s minds and what your thoughts were while reading the story. While I liked the illustrations, I did not really like the beginning of the book all too much. The whole time I was reading it
When her mom and baby brother die while her father and brother are at war. She has to overcome any obstacle that is thrown in her way. With her knowledge of nature and animals she found a wag to stay alive with no money. My article is about how the Taliban affects the everyday life of the people This relates to the book because it shows how bad and harsh the Taliban is.
It has so much combinations of wonderful characters, principles, moments, scenes, and words. One thing that I also liked about the story was the little facts that was mentioned about the bees. The bees actually played an important part of the book because almost all of the main characters and Lily’s situations can be compared to one of the bees who go and collect honeys. Bees also do work or do chores just like what humans do. My favorite part of the book is when it showed forgiveness at the end of the of the story when Lily and her father talked, and also when she stays at Tiburon with the Boatwrights family because she finally has mothers that will take care and love
The story is told through both Finch and Violet 's perspectives, which brings the touching tale to life beautifully and we get to experience their own emotions and experiences. This is a story full of unique twists and detailed characters, yet it still has a basis in real life. The characters are also represented in straight forward pure detail. Their characters grown from the beginning at the novel but unfortunately finch turns back when he commits