Squeeze Water Bottle: A Short Story

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On February 10 2018 approximately at 4:30pm, Christopher Farmer walked into escape room live with a Gatorade “Squeeze Water Bottle” with the intention of refilling it with water. I (Eric “EJ” Jefferson) was bartending at the time and had the power of the water supply at escape room live. (Not the easiest job but someone has to do it) So Chris and I had a casual conversation about what we been up to since the last time we seen each other and after this brief conversation he asked me: “could you refill my water bottle with water?” I replied “sure Chris. No problem.” Once I refilled his water bottle, I gave it to him and proceed to clean glassware in the sink and that’s when Chris squirted water at me in my face. How much water was it? It was enough …show more content…

This is what cause me to chase after him once he ran away from me. I felt betrayed, disrespected, humiliated, and embarrassed. While we were chasing each other around the venue guest notice how wet I was. Some guest were laughing, shocked, and confused. The fact that guest seen Chris drench me with water motivated me to get him. Once Chris notice that I wasn't going to stop chasing him, his last resort was to leave the venue and run down the block. I realize how irrational it was for two employees for a company to chase each other out of the company venue. So I decided to go back inside and try to calm down before he gets back but before I could calm down, he already walked inside of the venue. As he was walking towards my direction trying to apologize, my first instinct was to have a discussion about his actions towards me on a one on one basis so I forcefully took him in the hall way and pin him against the wall near the “Think. Play. Do” sign and told him “don't play with me in that way again. I'm not that guy.” There were no use of profanity while I was addressing him in the hall way or throughtout the water fight we

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