Pastilles: Confectionery Fruit

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Pastilles are included in many confectionery products, such as jellies, gummy candies and wine gums. The texture of pastilles is achieved by using various gelling agents, such as gelatin, starch and pectin (Doublier & Cuvelier, 1996; Izzo, Stahl, & Tuazon, 1995).The most important sucrose, glucose and corn syrups (as glucose replacer) are commonly used in sugar confectionery.

Watermelon Citrullus lanatus (Thunb.), come from the family of cucumber (Cucurbitacea), is a large, oval, round or oblong tropical fruit (Koocheki et al., 2007). The skin is smooth, with dark green rind or sometimes pale green stripes that turn yellowish green when ripe. It is a very rich source of vitamins and also serves as a good source of phytochemicals (Perkins-Veazieand …show more content…

The major nutritional components of the fruit are carbohydrates (6.4 g/100 g), vitamin A (590 IU), and lycopene (4,100 μg/100g, range 2,300–7,200), an anticarcinogenic compound found in red flesh watermelon. Lycopene may help reduce the risk of certain cancers, such as prostate, pancreas, and stomach. The lycopene content of the new dark red watermelon cultivars is higher than in tomato, pink grapefruit, or guava. Orange flesh types have only small amounts of lycopene, and the beta carotene content is similar to that of red flesh types . Canary yellow types do not contain lycopene, but do have a small amount of beta carotene. Watermelon seeds are rich in fat and …show more content…

Furthermore, the watermelon rind pastilles have a great potential to be commercial in the industry. From the previous study (Agnes and Penelope, 2005), it is found that the rind contains citrulline in high quantities. Rind contained more citrulline than flesh on a dry weight basis (24.7 and 16.7 mg/g dwt, respectively) but a little less on a fresh weight (fwt) basis (1.3 and 1.9 mg/g fwt, respectively). These results indicate that watermelon rind, an underutilized agricultural waste, offers a source of natural citrulline . The study shows that the watermelon rind is a rich source of an important amino acid and may yield a useful product from an agricultural waste (Agnes and Penelope,

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