Wetlands Analysis

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Wetlands play major role in the landscape by providing unique habitats for a wide variety of flora and fauna. They support a wide variety of plant, and microbial species where the species come from both terrestrial and deep water aquatic systems to reproduce,find refuge, eat, or be eaten. Morerecently, wetlands are being described as important water quality enhancement ecosystems and flood mitigation systems and carbon sinks and climate stabilizers on a global scale. These ecosystem services of wetlands are now recognized worldwide and have led to wetland conservation, protection laws, regulations, and management plans. Wetlands have become the cause for conservation minded people and organizations throughout the world, in part, because they …show more content…

In order to slow down the rate of wetland loss developers are advised to impliment mitigation programs to aviod and minimuse the impact as lead to near billions of rand to restore wetland and streams. Danial B. Botkin and Edward A. Keller (2014) have stated that many historical events and civilization has led to destruction of worlds marshes and wetlands, in Turkey and Syria dams were built upstreams to provide water for irrigation and generate energy for electricity but today the world is facing a challenge and putting effort to restore the wetland in to provide the community with free ecosystem services and the current effort seems to increasing by 58% wetland …show more content…

Restoration of any ecosystem but specifically wetlands are a costly responsibility because the restoration is implemented after the development, destruction or environmental degradation is well advanced and expensive to reverse, and also the considarations of labour and resource intensive. Restoration requires large investments upfront and has long lags before generating benefits. Construction of gabions, soil pollution amelioration and physical establishment of vegetation are expensive interventions. Restoration can also be found risky, for example there may be little understanding of the ecological requirements for

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