Water Pollution Introduction

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Water pollution is one of the most irritating problems that are causing nightmares and headaches to scientists around the world. It is commonly known as anything that could affect the water and leads to bad consequences, which prevents society from water benefits. Causes, effects and solutions of water pollution are the main topics that will be covered in this report.


With sufficient thoughts about finding causes for water pollution, it is easy to come up with plenty of causes. However, finding the major causes is more important and these major causes are industry, chemical and municipal. Industrial water pollution is defined as the discharges of the waste material by industrial units, which is known as …show more content…

Water pollution can affect many aspects on the earth where seventy percent of it is actually water. These effects can be boiled down into three main categories, on the ocean, the environment and on the health.

Oil spills in the ocean:
Animals living in the water are the species that are mostly affected by oil spills in the ocean. Many of the living species will face extinction on the account of the increase of the oil spills by ingesting them. Every year in the Persian Gulf, oil is annually spilled at a rate of 285 million gallons and 1.3 million barrels per year according to the United Nation Estimates (1, 2). Many species are still fighting for their survival. Sea otters are an example of the animals suffering from oil spills. The otters survive cold weather by having air bubbles in their fur; however, being covered with oil will prevent them from having these air bubbles on their fur, which will eventually lead them to death for not being able to adjust with the weather change. Several reserves are constructed nowadays to save these kinds of species from disappearing permanently (6, 1). Another species that are suffering as well are whales. They use a hole on their top, a blowhole, to help them breath. So by consuming oil, these blowholes are going to get blocked and therefore will stop them from breathing. On the other hand, oil can affect the food of whales. Some fish swim through oil before being fodder to whales, so by swallowing them oil will get into whales’ bodies and harm them badly. Finally, the last most effected species by oil spills are birds. Oil cripples birds’ bodies, which will prevent them from adjusting with the weather change. Also it hinders the flight of them and turns them to an easy target for predators. When birds do peering, cleaning up their feather, they experience altered liver function due

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