Summary: The Adverse Effects Of Air Pollution

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Before 18th century, air pollution results from wood burning or decaying trash. However, after the Industrial Revolution started in England, people had changed their production mode completely by using machine in their daily work (Slanina, 2013). Although these machines improve the pace of production, they also emit the harmful materials by burning the fossil fuels. Consequently, the air pollution has accelerated dramatically because of the revolution. For almost a century with the rapid growth of technology, the increasing pressure from population and the development of heavy industry, air pollution has become the extreme serious problem in the whole world. Slanina (2013) states that due to the chemical waste gases from factory and vehicle emission from traffic pollution, which not only bring negative effects to the public it also reduce the living quality and air quality. In this day and age, the problem of air pollution has aroused public’s concern, especially in several developing countries such as China, India and South Africa. This essay will discuss the adverse effects of air pollution and give some potential solutions about …show more content…

In the first place, air pollution could affect the environment notably. Because of the sulfur acid which is produced by human activities, the clouds would gain the acidic material than with the rain fall into the ground. This could adversely affect the nutrients in the soil and pollute the water. Moreover, the rain might damage the buildings or cause disease to human (Eschooltoday, n.d). The other environment problem caused by air pollution is global warming. The mean cause of global warming is burning fossil fuels which lead the emission of carbon dioxide. Based on this situation it can result in rising sea level and increasing the temperature of the world. Furthermore, it could also lead to extreme weather such as drought and

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