What Are The Names Of The Four Groups Which Scientists Use To Identify All Living Molecules

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Q13. What are the names of the four groups which scientists use to classify all living things? Can you provide an example of each? Scientists use the categories, animals, plants, fungi and bacteria.
Animal – Lion
Plant – Sunflower
Fungi – Mushrooms
Bacteria – Salmonella
Q14. What does a habitat contain? A wide variety of organisms A habitat is a localised environment in which organisms live and which provides all (or almost all) of an organisms needs.
Q15. In an ecosystem there is an interaction between what? Plants, animals and their physical environment An ecosystem consists of a community and its environment. In a pond ecosystem there are interactions between all the living organisms, the pond water and the mud at the bottom of the …show more content…

Can you produce a drawing which best represents an atom?
Q18. All materials are made up of elements. How many elements are there? Approximation is fine. There are over 100 known elements.
Q19. What is formed when atoms of different elements combine? A compound When atoms of different elements combine together they form a compound. For example, two hydrogen atoms combine with one oxygen atom to form the compound water.
Q20. How would you best describe the forces which hold atoms together? Bonds hold atoms together. The forces holding together atoms are called bonds. There are different types of bond; there are metallic, ionic and covalent.
Q21. How are the atoms in a plastic, such as polythene, arranged? Polythene is a molecule that is a long chain of identical units joined in a line.
Q22. Can you give an example of a chemical reaction? Sodium chloride Chlorine is a harmful green gas when it is on it’s on its own and sodium is a highly reactive metal. When they are mixed together they make table salt.
Q23. A physical change involves changes in the arrangement and spacing of particles, but no new substance is formed.

Can you give an example of a physical change? Water

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