Personal Narrative: My Reflection Of Life

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As a student, I have learned that school is a reflection of life; because one is faced with responsibilities one must act upon. One must rely on their personal intuition to make improvements. One must do the remedial tasks of life as making ones ' bed and show great manners toward superiors as a student must repeat mundane tasks and enroll in class, being ever courteous to the professor. One must be punctual to class and co-operative as one must be when reporting to work. One must speak in class, in front of a professor and peers as one interacts with other people outside of school, one can not fear to speak. Personal traits are developed, social skills are increased, and new phase of professional development is being molded. Developing …show more content…

Different phases of industrial enterprises are facing modernization, automation by using embedded systems powered by the theory of Internet of Things; which I plan to provide an a service for one day. Using Linux, experienced with the syntax and no longer intimidate by its primitive aesthetics of only displaying a console. With Linux, developing embedded systems is facilitated using the cross-tool-NG tool chain from GNU/Linux and the Linux Yocto Project; which both hold high-esteem in the opens-source community for the hardware and software interpolation needs when developing a custom electronic system for industrial applications. Specified because, libraries as such allow such maneuverability that one can personalize the BIOS system and can be developed for extreme precision machinery. Yocto Linux Project, supports Java for GUI and web service development; basically facilitating administration of complex machinery across the world. Using maven I can use the Spring Framework, to develop apps and web services using MVC architecture to transition traditional native application running locally on the embedded system to be transitioned to the cloud for heightened …show more content…

Ransomware has become extremely volatile because of it preferred targets. A ransomware attack is only a technique a professional hacker uses to retrieve valued resources from a target, but I fear and prepare to defend the worst as an ethical hacker. Giving the possibility a ransomware attack can shutdown a hospital , which would proof catastrophic. The same scenario can be exchanged with a nuclear power plant or chemical plant. It is a consequence development technology has made over the years and some people choose to take advantage of others as I choose to oppose such treachery using abilities as a security professional to remove

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