Are there financial gains or losses from attending college versus not attending college? Many believe that college is important for future success because it can provide more experience and career advancement rather than having no diploma, while others believe that college is not important for future success because it can create debt and cause stress. Although college can have a negative financial connotation, the reward over time can be more fulfilling. A college diploma can give one the flexibility of where they would like to work and give them the opportunity of having a higher salary than those without a diploma.
Is College Really Worth the Cost? Most American goal in life is to earn a living when they come out of high school. But, maybe it isn’t really necessary that high school graduates need to feel ad if they are being rushed off to college. People who are hustled off to college discover that they would much rather be learning how to build things or fix things. College students and graduates are facing debt, unemployment/ drops in wages, and some would rather learn with their hands.
Is College Worth It? Going to college can be really expensive and not affordable but that doesn't mean you should go college is worth going to because you have a higher chance of getting a good job and you can also get more money with a better job and lastly quality of life college can improve how you live you become more responsible and independent with your own self and work. College is worth going to because of job employment in the Document A it shows that people with a doctoral degree earn up to $1,623 weekly than in contrast to people with only a high school diploma who earn only $678 dollars weekly another example from Document A is that people with no High School employment have unemployment rate of 8.0% in the other hand a person with at least an associate's degree has only a 3.8% of not finding a job this means that people who go to college even if it's just for a associates degree have a better living and chance of getting employed than a person who only has their high school diploma.
Some might say that college is a wastes of time and it doesn’t help anyone. Then try convince us that we should focus on our works skills and experience than wasting precious time on college. Also they will point out that college causes you to receive debt. Its true college will cause some debt but it is worth in the long run when people can be financially stable and not have to worry about many things in life, not have to struggle through life.
“It’s an irrefutable fact that college gives you a significant and persistent advantage decade after decade” (Daly, 2). However, not knowing what you want to do and not succeeding at it would make the college tuition not worth the money. College is very important because of the life experiences and financial gain you will have. College is worth the expense of tuition because you learn about life. Such as the personal responsibility of being on your own, having the motivation to get up in the morning to go to class, cleaning up after yourself, and all of the friends and connections that you will make and have in the future.
What is College Worth? The worth behind a college education continues to shift as times change. This day in age, the educational system in the US is failing because for some reason, earning a bachelor’s degree in a STEM subject does not guarantee a job and that is not acceptable. If someone puts in the time, effort, money and is successful enough to get through four to six years in college, they deserve a job in their field.
For many people, college is an important key for their future. Some people go to college for the job opportunities and the new windows it can open. Others go just for the education and experience. A good education is beneficial from many different viewpoints; in truth, it is a possibility that one's adult life could be much harder than people care to think. One can have better wealth, is less likely to be unemployed, and a much higher chance of being closer to your family.
In conclusion going to college is very much worth it. Getting a degree will not only improve the quality of a job’s pay substantially, but make the job search extensively easier. Knowing this students of all ages can make the right decision when deciding whether or not college is the right choice for them. So as a nation let's build ourselves to be better, richer and smarter people by making the right choice when it comes to our education;
In the world we live in today. Going to college is no longer a choice, or privilege, but rather a need for a brighter future . So the big question that happens to be going around is, “Is College really worth it?”According to Andrew J. Rotherham’s article “Actually, college is very much worth it.”, “5 Ways Ed Pays”produced by (The College board), and “Why College Isn't (And Shouldn’t have to be) For Everyone” written by Robert Reich. The answer to that question is yes.
College is useful to those who want a job as a lawyer or doctor. Those who want to be a plumber or electrician will benefit more from job training than getting a degree that they need to
Is College worth It Should you go to college ? Here 's some reasons why you should. Each year there are thousands of students enrolling into college hoping they will get in to study and learn about their dream job. Many colleges have been around for decades.
Forgiveness of Student Loan Debt On a global scale, there is a large amount of people who are unfortunate in the sense that they are all regrettably faced with the issue of the struggle to pay for a proper education. Seeing as those who struggle are unable to pay on the spot, whether it be because they are financially independent adolescents or their families have low financial income, a majority of said strugglers resort to applying for student loans. This allows them to receive an education for the time being, but it still must be paid for eventually. As a result, every student who takes a loan for schooling will be in debt until everything that has been borrowed is paid off.
College Is Worth It Have you ever wondered about why you should go to college? Well, college is worth it and you get rewarded in many life-changing ways and you get live life easier and in relaxation. Here are a few facts and reasons why you should go to college. First of all, college gets you more money.
I personally feel that college is worth it for me. Some people college is not meant. I am somebody who would like to pursue something more after graduating high school. It would not only mean something special to me with graduating college, but it would mean a lot to my family. I would like to be apart of the first generation to graduate high school and attend college.
Thinking about the future can be frightening. Making decisions is terrifying. One of the scariest decisions we will have to make is whether or not we go to college. There are many pros and cons of going to college, however, the pros seem to outweigh the cons. Therefore, college, is very much worth it.