Studying Abroad: A Popular Trend

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Now studying abroad has become a popular trend, more and more people choose to study abroad, there are many reasons for studying abroad, for example, to talk about my study abroad the definition, for myself, I think studying abroad is not just to learn knowledge, knowledge is important but I think of a country culture and local customs and practices is more important. Before coming to India, I do not know India, India is a mystery to me and is very attractive, I hope to get to know him, and then I will go to other countries to experience other countries brings different visual impact. Actually , other countries in fact are mysterious and attractive to me, so I became a language barrier, as everyone knows, English is an international …show more content…

In my spare time, I will watch some NBA videos and some English movies on YOUTUBE, which is of great help to me. Every day I will learn some grammar and memorize some words, which also help me to learn English, so that I can reduce the barriers to communication. With these friends and teachers make me brave, so that when the English is very poor, I can speak English, express my thoughts.
The result is that these methods allow me to slowly understand what the teacher said in class, better to learn, let me become better in English, let me in the language barrier is getting smaller and smaller.
You have to be brave to communicate with people, to try different ways to learn English, in addition to my project there are many learning methods, but these I know of great help to me, I think a lot of people can help solve some of the difficulties of communication, can even eliminate communication barriers. Finally, I would like to say a word, no matter what method, as long as you do with your heart, you will be able to succeed, you can eliminate the barriers to

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