What Is The Role Of US Presidents In The 1920s

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U.S. Presidents during WWI on through the end of the Great Depression embraced several popular policy ideas from Progressivism, Nationalism, New Freedom, and Conservativism that shaped and formed deals to ensure and protect the nation’s economy and welfare. The largest expansion of U.S. Government and resources happened in 1890s-1920s. The boom of the economy, unchecked cooperate wealth, and panic of the American people drove the nation into a deep depression that citizens were slow to recover from. The U.S. presidents during this time made conscious decisions to strengthen the government, regulate business, and instill trust in the American public. In 1881, at 23, when Theodore Roosevelt joined the governmental civic scene, he gave a hint …show more content…

In the 1920 landslide victory, Republican Warren G. Harding, a senator from Ohio won. He triumphed on the simple campaign assurance to a, return to normalcy, for the country. Unfortunately, supporting the Harding policy, normalcy meant government direction was pro-business, anti-regulation, and anti-tax. The Treasury Secretary, Andrew Mellon slashed tax rates to a 60% decree for the wealthiest business holders. The stock market skyrocketed because of the liberated capital. It generated an unsteady financial bubble that directly led to the 1929, Great Depression. Harding was contentious t federal Government regulations of business, put in place by Progressives, Teddy Roosevelt, Wilson and Taft. He vacated civil servants from companies who were meant to improve balance in the U.S. economy. Throughout the Harding presidency nepotism, scandals, and extortions corrupted governmental divisions. In the foremost example, the Teapot Dome scandal uncovered that the Interior Secretary was accepting almost a million dollars from oil industry. In trade for drilling claims in the federated oil wealth at Elk Hills, California, and Teapot Dome, Wyoming. After less than three years in office, Harding died while on tour, before any of his worst revelation of misconduct were announced. His replacement Vice President Calvin Coolidge step into