Creativity And Technology Essay

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As time goes, technology has taken over the world without hesitation. Technology has affected creativity and communication. But, what is technology? The simplest definition of technology can be described as something which make the lives of human beings easier and more comfortable. Examples of technologies are cars, refrigerators, air conditioner, heater, electronic gadgets and more. In this twenty-first century, technologies especially phones are something which cannot be excluded from humans' lives anymore or to most people, phones are even more importance than their own lives. They are willing to sacrifice their lives just for their phones. This is because humans are too dependence on technology nowadays. They tends to rely everything on …show more content…

A huge success in a community comes from the cooperation of the people in the community. Let's take the older generations as a reference. During the ancient time, humans lived in caves or near the rivers, knowing nothing hunting animals and collecting fruits everyday. Over the time, slowly humans became a civilised person and started to make the world a better place. These could happen were all because of great communication among themselves which lead them to work together in developing their ideas to invent something new and useful. Older generations always feel the days back in time were better, but why? This is because their lives were surely more enjoyable and interesting than how we are now. Long before the existence of modern technologies, humans interact with each other most of the time. We will always see children playing around, creating new games to play with each other outside the house. Their lives are totally leisurable, have no stress at all. But today, children are no longer innocent, they chat with strangers online, get into social problems, talk against their parents and most of them even lock themselves in their room all day with their electronic gadgets. With this, how can these children maintain their communication skill with others like how it was back then? How can these children invent something new to impress

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