The Influence Of Wheat

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Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) known as the “king of cereals” is the most important cereal crop and stands next to rice in India and meets about 61% of the protein requirement of the India. Wheat production was 90.8 mt which is about 35 percent of cereal food production of country (Department of agriculture and cooperation, 2014-15) and area under wheat cultivation was 31.5 mha which is 24 percent of total area under food grains (Majumdar et al., 2013). India’s share in global wheat production was recorded at 13.2 percent in the year 2014-15 (United States Department of Agriculture Database). Wheat requirements …show more content…

The activity of PGRs depends on the rate of active ingredient, growth stage of plants and environmental conditions, especially temperature. Stem shortening plant growth regulators (PGR's) such as Chlormequat and ethephon are often used to limit lodging in wheat (Rajala et al., 2000), hence allowing cultivation of lodging susceptible, adapted, high yielding cultivars under intense input use. Control of plant growth, such as plant or culm height, can be achieved by using plant growth regulators (PGRs).

Cox and Otis, 1989 reported that lodging can still be a major problem for higher productivity of wheat, and the need for the use of plant growth regulators to control lodging is highly acceptable. In this context the potential use of plant growth regulators (PGRs) and related compounds has been the subject of some …show more content…

This research was therefore conducted to determine how different fertilizers regimes, different growth regulators effect the lodging incidence and subsequent yield expression, to understand better interactive effect of these factors to provide better alternative management practices to farmers facing chronic problem of crop lodging .

Hence, keeping above facts in view, present study “Studies on Agro-Chemicals for Lodging Management in Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)’’ is planned with the following objectives: To asses the lodging losses due to varying fertilizer application and performance of various agro-chemicals on recovery of lodged wheat. To investigate the effects of various chemicals on growth, quality and economics of wheat. To assess the nutrient uptake. To determine the recovery ability of wheat after

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