Where Things Come Back Analysis

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Today I will be making an essay on the book Where Things Come Back by John Corey. This book is about a teenager called Cullen Witter which lives in Lily,Arkansas. The book teaches you about losing people, falling in love, loving your family, staying close with friends, and having the right people in your life. In the beginning of this book Cullen’s cousin Oslo dies he is devastated about the lose of his cousin. His Aunt Julia (the mother of Oslo) before Oslo’s death was a happy, overly chatty Aunt. But she broke down and it was hard for her to stop thinking about her son. Now that we have gotten that out of the way let me introduce you to the main characters. Of course as you all know, Cullen Witter the 17 year old narrator. Next is Cabot Searcy, the antagonist of the story. Benton Sage’s roommate I will Introduce you to Benton Sage later on. Then we have Gabriel Witter, the brother of Cullen Witter who suddenly disappeared. Gabriel was always a happy person outside but not such of a happy on the inside as Cullen said “Gabriel doesn’t look as happy as a person inside when he is away from his friends.”The question I ask to you is did this lead Gabriel to leave the house or did someone kidnap him? Now I introduce you to John Barling, he is the …show more content…

A lot of characters in this book did not cope well with suffering and losses. For example Aunt Julia turned into a shell of her former self when Oslo died. Mrs Witter was so crumbled after they couldn’t find Gabriel that she couldn’t eat sleep or take showers she just laid in Gabriel’s bed just thinking about him. Now we are seeing how religion impacts characters. Hallelujah and Judeo Christian, God is all over the book. From Benton Sage who committed suicide, to Cabot his roommate who finds the book of Enoch in Benton’s belongings. Religion kind of drives the plot of this

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