Why Curiousity Doesn T Kill The Cat Analysis

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I believe that proverb was made as a warning. A warning to people who are excessively curious; It may to some extent lead someone into a dangerous situation like the character in the short story below Curiosity Once Killed a Cat by Donald M. Jenkins: One night I had nothing to do. Wandering to the medicine cabinet I saw a bottle one inch high. Wondering what could be in such a small bottle I uncorked it and put it to my nose. Oh! What a strong smell it had. Luck as against me. I got some right in my eye and on my neck. How I jumped. I think I must have jumped for five minutes. When the effects wore off I read the label on the bottle. It said, Oil of Mustard, Poison. Nevertheless, I am alive and now I read labels before uncorking bottles. (Book of Short …show more content…

Boredom struck the cat and his curiosity grew. The cat wanted to know everything in and on the cabinet. Little did he know what was on there would burn his neck and eyes. In the end, it is good that he was curious because he learned a lesson from his experience; that goes to show Why Curiosity Did Kill the Cat. From the title above, you can see that I disagree with the proverb in regards to intellectual curiosity. Curiosity may perhaps kill the cat with nine lives but intellectual curiosity raised the cat from the dead. According to Dr. John Sklare intellectual curiosity is “one’s desire to invest time and energy into learning more about a person, place, thing or concept” (Sklare). Intellectual curiosity is an important virtue that I personally need to work and is shown in the life of …show more content…

He especially liked to challenge the authority and government of Athens. He would examine both his and their point of view. Socrates drew conclusions from what he’d heard and later on life it became more useful during his trail. He was on trial for corrupting the youth by asking questions and going against the Greek gods believes in regards to power. On trial, he performed The Apology, to the judges who didn’t take it as an apology but more as defense statements. Intellectual curiosity is shown in that piece of writings because it’s about how he doesn’t agree with the ways of the people of Athens and ways they could change. He adds in information about the answers he had received from people about that society and tries to prove his innocence. The Socratic Method of Teaching is another example of how he was intellectually curious. That system of education focuses on providing students with questions and the truths in answers. This teaching style promotes critical