Importance Of Money Mistakes Essay

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Money mistakes moms make Finding the right balance with money has always been difficult and very few people have managed to discover the secret behind getting it right. As a mum it is even harder because you really want to do what’s best for your family and avoid landing yourself in a pickle. Firstly moms must always be aware of the amount of money they are spending. It is best to stay away from credit cards or swiping in the shop with debit cards because you are not using actual cash you really are not aware of how much you are spending. As tempting as it maybe try and avoid purchasing things on credit, I know the little dress is cute and oh those little shoes for little feet are adorable but if you take it, eventually you will need to pay for it. The cute things accumulate but the cash does not. I know you want to spoil your child with all the things …show more content…

Catch them young they say. Here are a few tips on how to teach them to manage money and to save. • Money does not grow on trees- it is important that your child understands that money can only obtained from hard work. When they see you retrieving money from the ATM or swiping in the shop with a card they do not really see money exchanging hands so they believe that it is always there. Speak to your children about the concept of spending and how money can also finish. • Paying for responsibilities- by rewarding your child for doing their chores or being responsible for a project, they get to learn that they need to work hard for their allowances and money does not just come easy. It also shows them the value of it. • Budgeting their allowance- Teach your child how to budget their allowance. If they spend all their pocket money on one thing then they them how they must think before they spend. • Waiting gets you better things- show your child how to save their allowance so that they can buy even better toys or

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