Why People Make Mistakes

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I would like to say that everyone makes mistakes. From that mistake you will learn from that mistake. That also does not mean that you are a bad person, I am most definitely not a bad person but I do make poor decisions at times. I am a nice, kind, and generous person but I can fail at times. For instance if my mom is talking to me about something that I do not like, yes I will get upset then I talk back. I know it is wrong but I learn from that because if my mom and I argue about something then I will feel bad because I realized that I just hurt my mom emotionally. So I don’t do that often, it is just at times.

My grades are one of a downfall for me. I do my work almost all the time but I will be honest, I am lazy. If I put my mind to it and stay focused then I will do my work, but sometimes I just forget. For my Spanish it is a continuous rollercoaster with my grades. It goes up and down a lot because that class is hard. But when I take notes and study hard then I get good marks on my classwork and homework. When I am at home my phone and my television is a distraction. I am constantly on my phone because I like my phone and I like to socialize amongst my friends. So what I would do is put my phone across my room and I will not look at it until I am finished with my work. If someone calls me I will pick up and tell them I am doing …show more content…

For no reason a boy would just pick on me for no reason on the way how I looked and the way how I dressed. I never got how a person would just do that to somebody, but I took some time to realize that I was better than that person. The only reason why he bullied me was because he was insecure. I was smart, I made better grades than him, and I was successful. So one day when I talked to him and proved that he was insecure, he stopped and tried to be my friend. From that moment I never talked to him again because that person was a waste of

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