Want To Change

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For most people the biggest thing that they want to change is something about their body. If you're holding onto a few extra pounds or need to gain a few pounds then change your diet and begin a workout routine. I know many people who will say “I don’t like to workout” or “I don’t want to change my diet.” Here’s the thing, you have to change–to have change. A workout routine does not mean you have to go to the gym. Your workout could be a morning or evening walk, it could be yoga, or you could workout to a DVD. Just find what works best for you, as long as you start moving. Again, don’t talk about what you don’t like, figure out what you do like, so that you can make the changes that you desire. Changing your diet can be an easy task as well. …show more content…

These things are important to remember because as you start to see changes in yourself, you will also begin to notice changes in the people in your life. Some of the changes you will notice will be wonderful, and some you might not understand at all. Your happiness and self-love will in some cases shift the dynamics of your present relationships. There will be some people who will be happy and supportive of the changes that you are making, but unfortunately there will also be some people who will not be happy to see you working on yourself. It is important to remember this, because you don’t want anyone or anything to distract you from your goals. I am not one who believes that “If you’re not for me, you’re against me,” or that people are always being “jealous” or are “haters.” Some people in your life just want things to stay the same, and for some, seeing you grow might make them not feel good about themselves. Many times when we share our plans or good things about our life and someone doesn’t react in a way that we would like, their lack of or poor reaction is usually because of their own doubts and/or fears about themselves. The problem is that their poor reaction, makes us doubt ourselves. So, don’t be afraid to keep things to yourself. By keeping things to yourself, you don’t have to worry about someone else projecting their doubts and fears onto you, or making you question your

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