Why Is America Still Relevant Today

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The mixing pot America is made up of many different types of people from racist to sexual orientation but why does this matter it shouldn't matter because in the world we live in today there are much bigger task at hand then to debate over women in the workplace where same-sex marriage. a person's a person no matter how small dr. Seuss. this quote is powerful and today's growing society because it shows that everyone is the same and there shouldn't be a difference. division for America should be for our country to come together as one soul body So our country has come a long way since slavery and other forms of racism the question is still ask why were these topics even there in the first place think about a world where we never went through those hard time never had to come back from them can you imagine a world of peaceful living. no only with disregard unfair treatment of people cause less bored but also soon advancements in other areas sooner advancements in sciences and technology the world would be such a different place. what if we had created the wheel 20 years sooner or discovered medical care before smallpox or any other rash diseases would today's life look different this question is not simply just yes or no but would today's life be better or worse because of those slight belief …show more content…

if those so called jokes were turned into a compliment or praises to the person's heritage the world would be a nicer place. in society we have created a lot of negative meanings for things that should be positive a positive mind gets more work done in an hour than a negative mind can get accomplished in days the power of positive thinking is outstanding it is majorly understated and it needs to be embraced throughout the