When acquiring a college degree you benefit greatly. The pay you get at any job will be raised if you have worked for a college degree, some jobs won’t even look at your resume if you don’t have a degree. Many people chose not to go to college, but roughly about 1/3 of high school students continue their education at college. Overall you get a higher job satisfaction if you have snagged a college degree. I would much rather be looked up to, rather than looking up to someone who has continued their education.
College graduates have better job security and more job opportunities, which means they are more likely to have stable employment and earn a higher salary. Additionally, the quote highlights the importance of investing in education to reap rewards later in life. Therefore, attending college is an essential step in achieving success in the workforce and securing a better
For many people, college is an important key for their future. Some people go to college for the job opportunities and the new windows it can open. Others go just for the education and experience. A good education is beneficial from many different viewpoints; in truth, it is a possibility that one's adult life could be much harder than people care to think. One can have better wealth, is less likely to be unemployed, and a much higher chance of being closer to your family.
College gives you the foundation to adapt to changing business conditions throughout your life, so you won't get left behind. Another plus: If laid off, you're likely to find re-employment faster. Economists say higher education comes with an earnings premium. What does that mean? For employers, a degree or certificate means greater expertise,
It’s that smart and motivated people in our society tend to go to college. I bet if you took those smart and motivated people and put them out into the work force, they would earn more than other people.” (The Choice, Epstein, Holly. 2012.) College allows you to do many things such as unlock opportunities, become more independent, and explore your life long options in the area of work force you want to pursue. “Thanks to all the knowledge, skills and experience you’ll gain in college, you’ll be able to adapt to a greater variety of jobs and careers.”
How one's life unfolds hinges on this choice. The investment in a college degree results in a more successful life because of the better income and experiences.
Every day of people’s lives they are faced with many decisions. Some decisions are much easier than others like what television program they want to watch. Some decisions are even made for them by other decisions that they have already made like what to wear. Depending on the career an individual has chosen it will depend on what that individual will wear to work. Now some decisions are much more difficult than others.
College education expands the amounts of opportunities available, which Increases earning potential. According to a Pew
Obama once said “And no matter what you want to do with your life, I guarantee that you’ll need an education to do it.” (Obama 67-71) College education is typically considered to be very useful when one is wanting their dream career or a career with good annual pay. Without college education, it is highly likely that employers will not hire people with only a high school diploma. A college level education is valuable because one can have better wealth, is less likely to be unemployed, and better social skills.
A college education has higher benefits in the long run for better higher paying jobs. Some people think no matter what it gives them it just is not worth the cost. Although, a lot of graduates of college stated that it treated them well, taught them more and college was worth their time (Pew Social and Demographic Trends). Getting an education can be challenging but it is it is worth the hard work because of the money in the future. People that did not get a college degree did not get as much money
Why is college very important for a successful career? How can you get the best job opportunities? Do you want to earn high income and better benefits for job? All these questions reading potential reasons to go to college is huge investment, national and international prestige. A higher education degree is perceived as extremely necessary to get a better job.
Having a college education is key to a successful future. Throughout my high school career, I have prepared myself academically in order to meet the demands and ultimately achieve the goal of a college education. A college education will provide me with the knowledge and skill set that are necessary to pursue the career choices in which I am interested. I have always been an academic individual. I learn for the joy of acquiring new information and being able to apply the information.
These are so reasons how people make more money when they go to college then if they were not to go. Obtaining a college degree will promote gaining a better job. In 2015, 6.2% of college graduates were underemployed (insufficient work), compared to 12.9% of high school-only graduates and 18.7% of people without a high school diploma(Is a college). This goes to show that people that do not go to
This includes helping you get accustomed to the workload you will have in the career because sometimes you will have to stay up late to finish work and study. College will also give you exposure to special and expensive labs and technologies. It also gives you the basic information you need to know and understand. Without a higher education, I would not have those same resources.
College is important to the growth and progress of any society. Those who that attend college are the ones who value education and find it a major importance in their life. They want to obtain a successful career, and live a wealthy and happy life. Getting a college education is the key to a successful future to those who are serious and stick with it. It provides a financial safety and helps a person build a good reputation.