The Little Rock Nine was a group of black students who were selected to try and break the color barrier at the local high school, Little Rock Central High School in Arkansas. Little Rock Nine was an influential movement to the Civil Rights Movement and to the overall benefit of racial segregation in all walks of life. Little Rock Central High School was the first school to integrate white and black students. Central High School became internationally known as the school that failed at mixing colored and white students. Through their unwavering efforts of the Little Rock Nine integration, greater progress was made towards overall change of the Civil Rights Movement. The overall plan for the integration of all the schools started with Central …show more content…
In the following weeks, Governor Faubus had legal proceedings against him by Judge Davies, and had been persuaded by President Eisenhower to expel the National Guard and permit the Little Rock Nine to enter Central High School (“Integration”4). Governor Faubus was set on not letting anybody of the African American race in Little Rock Central High School. His will of not letting blacks into school got to the point of Judge Davies pressing legal charges on him for not following orders given to him by people above Governor Faubus. This proved that Governor Faubus was not obedient to obey the requests from the people above him and had no care for the integration of Central High School, nor the integration influenced by the Little Rock Nine. This also resulted in President Dwight D. Eisenhower’s sending federal troops to Little Rock to enforce the 1954 desegregation ruling of the Supreme Court. The Little Rock desegregation was becoming known nation-wide for the feud between letting blacks enter the school and the governor resisting (“LRS”). From being internationally and nationally known for not allowing students to enter school was creating a bad reputation for Governor Faubus that he needed to fix for himself and his school. This resulted in Governor Faubus allowing the Little Rock Nine into the school to rid his reputation and gain more positive views from the African American race for the school. The many doubters of the Little Rock Nine were proven wrong when the whole group (Little Rock Nine) entered the Little Rock Central High School right in front of their faces. This proves that despite the protesters trying to hold them back they pushed through for integration of Central High and integration around the