Why Kids Drink Alcohol Essay

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Why do kids drink alcohol, how do kids drink alcohol and what are the effects of kids drinking alcohol. Teenagers drink alcohol because their friends are and they want to fit in to the crowd and be ‘cool’. Teens drink alcohol by getting fake ID’s which let them into clubs and enable them to purchase liquor over the counter and the effects of kids drinking alcohol lead to long term cancers and nerve damage. In most countries children are not allowed to start drinking alcohol until age 18 or over so underage drinking is not good for the teenagers’ health and wellbeing.
One of the main reasons teenagers like drinking alcohol is because their friends are pressuring them into drinking. Peer pressure is the main reason why teenagers starting drinking …show more content…

Alcohol is a depressant. That means it slows down or depresses the brain. Alcohol changes a person 's ability to think, speak, and see things as they really are. Short term affects are impaired judgement which can lead to accidents, drowning, and other risky behaviours like unsafe sex and drug use. Long term affects are cirrhosis and cancer of the liver, heart and central nervous system damage, memory loss and high risk for overdosing. Consuming alcohol doesn’t only affect your body but also your brain because your brain is the main control centre of your body meaning that is controls your actions and they words that come out of your mouth. Hippocampus is responsible for memory and learning. Studies show that heavy use of alcohol to an undeveloped brain is associated with a 10% reduction in size of the hippocampus. The prefrontal lobe is important for planning, judgement, decision making, impulse control and language. Research shows that teenagers who drink large amount of liquor have smaller prefrontal lobes then teenagers who do not consume alcohol. Other effects on brain are slurred speech, poor muscle control and judgement, confusion, slower reactions, poor vision, lack of coordination and sleep disruption. If children drink too much alcohol they have a chance of getting their stomached pumped. The doctors slide a tube down your throat until it reaches your

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