Why Mascot Should Be Banned In Schools

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When naming the new high school you should take into consideration the name Eastwood High. The mascot should be a wild cat because of their fierce nature. A wild cat as the mascot would show opponents that we are not here to mess around and that we mean business as a school. Mascots are important for the students and the community because a mascot is a way to show pride. The students will want a powerful mascot so be proud of and wear the school logo with the wild cat in it. One goal for the new principal would be that he needs to strongly support and push kids to do sports and get involved. Another goal would be to make the courses important to the students. The problems that he will face trying to achieve these goals are the students not being cooperative and not wanting to do anything. …show more content…

It differs though in that there won't be huge split in regions. Also there won't be two major religion groups out of the naming of a high

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