Explain Why People Fail Essay

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I have asked myself this question so many times because I have experienced failure myself and I have friends who fail too and most times it was not because they didn’t plan well. When I couldn’t get an answer to this question I asked few people and here are few of what I gathered.

NOT SEEKING GOD FIRST: It is very possible to fail if one does not seek God first, but come to think of it what if one sought God and still failed. You know sometimes God want to put us in the right way but we see it as God not being supportive or God is not a promise keeper. God

will never fail in His duty, to guide, shield and guard us. He knows what is right for us and He loves to test us and know if we have faith in Him. Don’t ever expect a smooth way without a rough way; before the smooth way becomes smooth it was once rough. Expect any challenge or loss on your way to success because it is normal. Don’t ever think that you asked God or sought Him so you will not meet disappointments as they always say every disappointment is always a blessing. Even Jesus Christ was tempted, so brothers and sisters failure is to correct some things in our lives. Had it been Jesus Christ failed the test there wouldn’t have been you and I because Jesus is our hope of glory. The best thing is for us to pray for the grace to overcome any challenge that comes our way. …show more content…

According to Vince Lombardi “Perfection is not attainable, but if we chase perfection we can catch excellence ” that is, if you think failure is normal because you are not perfect you are not getting it right. What you need is to put more effort in what you are doing and God helping you, you are going to excel but don’t ever forget to chase

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