Lean Manufacturing Case Study

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Lean manufacturing

Lean manufacturing is the way to get rid of Muda, Muri, and Mura (wastes) and improve efficiency in manufacturing environment. Less waste, human effort, manufacturing space, investment in tool, inventory, and engineering time to develop a new product are traditional mass production of products using less of everything to be compared.
Lean manufacturing provide the customer a defect-free product or service when they need it and in the quantity that they need, a system that focuses of eliminating waste and creating value for the customer.
So why using lean manufacturing in production system?
Becoming lean means increased cash flow (by freeing up inventory and short lead times, increased long-term profitability ( by improving …show more content…

Use value stream mapping method
Produce the right quantity at the right timing
Use pull system

6- Over-Processing
Over-processing is doing extra activities or process than required and that doesn’t add values to the production process or affect positively on the final product from customer perspective.
Extra work on producing costs the companies a lot of money because of the cost of workforce, electricity, rent. The main cause of this waste in misunderstanding of the engineering specifications, poorly designed products by adding false tolerances and dimensions.
How to eliminate Over-Processing wastes?
Always make a comparison between requirements and specifications.
Always try to simplify the manufacturing process.

7- Defects
Defects are the output (product or service) that doesn’t conform to the specifications and requirements or what the customer expects which will not satisfy the customers. Defects are cause by many different things like poor design, poor work-force experience or training, machines error.
How to eliminate …show more content…

Consider the most frequent defects and investigate is first

Mura (Unevenness)
Mura is a Japanese term that means unevenness, or inconsistency. Which is the second concept or key the Toyota Productions developed and applied in their production systems Mura is the waste of unevenness or inconsistency.
Mura wastes can be reduced by using Just-IN-Time systems which is inventory control technique that Toyota applied to improver their production efficiency and eliminating wastes by having the materials, products only if they are needed at the time, therefore reducing inventory costs.

Is a lean manufacturing process of taking an order and receive it only if when its required not before it, which means the the producers doesn’t hold any safety stocks and have very low inventory volume. This method maintain reducing costs, and increases efficiency and wastes. To have a perfect Just-In-Time system a very well studied demand forecast must be done before.
reduced inventory

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