
Will The Bean Plants Be Affected By The Amount Of Water In Plants

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For this experiment the purpose is to answer the question we asked ourselves. The question was, “Will the growth of the bean plant be affected by the amount of water used when the plants are watered?” In this experiment we will be measuring the growth of two different bean plants, the two bean plants will be watered with different amounts of water. The control group in our experiment will be watered with 15 mL of water while the experimental group will be watered with 23 mL of water. Other groups also performed this same experiment using different amounts of water for their experimental group. In order to find which plant grew best, with a certain amount of water each group will measure the height of their plant each day in centimeters.
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For the second step you will take your two pots, measuring cup, and soil. You will want to place 100 mL into each pot then place the two bean seeds into each and add 100 more mL to each pot. In the third step you will now designate a pot for your control group by labeling the pot with “ control group, 15 mL, and your name.” In step four you will label the pot not labeled control group by labeling it, “experimental group, 23 mL, and your name again.” Now, in the fifth step you will want to have your graduated cylinder and fill it with water to the 15 mL line and place the water into the pot now labeled control group, you will want to evenly water your pot so each part of the soil has access to water. In the sixth step you will want to fill the graduated cylinder again, but this time with 23 mL and evenly water the pot labeled experimental group. Once both pots are watered for step seven you will want to go place both plants on the same window ledge so they have exposure to the same amount of sunlight. Everyday you will continue to water your plants in the same order as steps five through seven. Once you begin to have growth in your bean plant you will then conclude step eight which will be, take a ruler using the centimeters measurements, measure the growth of your plant, the height. Step nine will occur when you are done collecting data then at that point you will record your data in your notebook, computer or where you are recording your

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