Women Migration

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General objective of the study The General objectives of the study are to assess the socio economic impacts of women migration in Lideta Sub-city, AdisAbeba, Ethiopia Specific Objectives of the Study To investigate the pull and push socio-economic causes for women migration in the study area. To identify and assess for those women comparing their economical income from the origin place.??????? To determine the major reasons for the involvement of migrants in the urban informal economy (street vending and daily work).????? How you are going to capture it??? To identify special focus areas and assess for those women exposed to HIV/aids and another diseases during migration. To discuss and evaluate the classical and contemporary migration models …show more content…

What kinds of measure is taken by government and concerned bodies to reduce rural-urban migration? Research Hypothesis The pull and push socio-economic factors causes for women migration to get better conditions Rural-urban and urban-urban migration reduces the incidence, depth and severity of poverty Migration is a rational decision to maximize the total household income of migrants to send their families. Rural-urban migration positively affects farm and total income of rural households through remittances Women will be affected by HIV/aids and other diseases during migration. Limitation of the study While the researcher has understanding the investigation a certain limitations it may occur. Thing will not run at smooth situation at that time some of the limitation might be problem of getting information, shortage of financial resources, time will also the major constraints at the study. The respondents may be will not voluntary to provide required data and the other constraint will lack of internet access due to unavailability of resources. 1.8. Description of the study …show more content…

The second chapter contains about the theoretical background of the review of related literature. The third chapter will focus on the methods and methodology of the study. The forth chapter goes through data analysis, interpretation and discussion part. The fifth chapter of the research contains conclusion and possible recommendations part for the concerned

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