Word Order In English Language

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2.1 Word order definition.
Word order defined in oxford dictionary as the sequence of words in a sentence, especially as governed by grammatical rules and as affecting meaning. And it’s also defined in US English dictionary as the sequence of words in a sentence, especially as governed by grammatical rules and as affecting meaning.
In Collins dictionary word order defined as the arrangement of words in a phrase, clause, or sentence. In many languages, including English, word order plays an important part in determining meanings expressed in other languages by inflections. Word order is a general term used in linguistics to refer to the arrangement of words in a given linguistic structure. It is most commonly examined in the context …show more content…

Ordering words in a particular manner based on the grammatical rules of the language is necessary to ensure that the sentence or phrase isn 't complete gibberish. The fact that, in English, "I went to the store" makes sense while "Store to went the I" is nonsensical is entirely based on the ordering of the sentence. Order is also commonly used to indicate the subjects and objects in a given sentence or phrase. In "the boy gave the card to sally," the words are ordered to indicate that "the boy" is the subject, "the card" is the direct object and "Sally" is the indirect …show more content…

In 1878 an English translation entitled 'The order of words in the ancient languages compared with that of the modern languages ', appeared in Boston. In his monograph, Veil distinguishes the movements of ideas and the syntactical movement. The former is expressed by the order of words and the latter by terminations. Weil claims that a sentence contains a point of departure and a goal of discourse. He maintains that the movement from the point of departure to the goal of discourse reveals the movement of the mind itself. He refers to the reverse order (from goal to point of departure) as 'pathetic ' and looks upon it as a vehicle of

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