What Is Wormwood-Artemisia Synonym?

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Wormwood - Artemisia absinthium L.
Synonyms: Absinthium vulgare Lam. - Absinthium officinale Richt.
Wormwood is a perennial plant with light gray color, with semi shrub-like form and height of 60 cm to 1 m. Young and fresh leaves are fine and silky-hairy, and the leaves are tomentose gray and silky-hairy. The shape of the lower leaves is in three plumose with the elongated lancet lobed parts list although the top of the stem leaves is smaller and simpler. Abundant flowering flower panicles there is covered with a gray-hairy wrapping leaves. Pale yellow flowers are with a head lettuce shape and are tubular, external flowers have only pistils while the inner flowers are hermaphrodite.
The smell of the plant is typically aromatic and intense, …show more content…

Only larger amounts of tea are not suitable with the last-mentioned diseases because too strong irritation of the kidneys can even suspend urination and intensify inflammation of the kidneys. As an exclusively bitter herb, wormwood acts on the creation and improvement of blood as well as improving blood flow.
Wormwood is especially recommended for women. After taking tea from wormwood, an increase of menstruation is shown. The better blood supply has a significant impact on the relief during delivery, especially when to the fragile tissue of the pelvic organs should be given more elasticity. Absinthe has a proven effect on the enhancement of labor and mothers in those moments can not be recommended enough.
Versatile medicinal effects of wormwood beneficially impact on the entire body so that indirectly treat a range of difficulties that do not directly belong to the area of treatment with wormwood. Removes difficult in metabolic disorders, obesity, diabetes and mental illness that more or less have a deeper cause of the unbalanced work of the digestive organs, diseases of liver, bile and spleen and female sex

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