Analysis Of Bhagavad Gita

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ASSIGNMENT – BHAGAVADGITA CHAPTER 14 Name: B.V.S.Kedarnath Goud Roll No: ME13B011 INTRODUCTION OF GITA: Bhagavad Gita means “The Song of God”. It was spoken on the battlefield of Kurukshetra by Lord Krishna to Arjuna. It is dialogue of 700 verses between Krishna and Arjuna discussing the five topics of Jiva, Atman, Prakriti, Kala and Karma. The Gita is considered the essence of all Vedic wisdom. Also known as the ‘Gitopanishad’, it is accepted as the chief of 108 Upanishads. Gita is universally accepted as scripture not from a religious point of view, but as guide in our day-to-day life. Its intention is not to cater a side of our nature or a part of our expectations, but whole of what we need and what we are. This special feature makes it a little difficult for the people to understand its significance and message. It is not possible to believe that its meaning is completely grasped as it becomes novelty after novelty as we go deeper into it. The more we read it, the fresher does it appear like the sunrise every morning. …show more content…

All of us consist of the Spirit and the Matter. The spirit component in all of us is same, but the matter components are different which constitutes the Body, Mind and Intellect. The matter components are different in each of us because each one of us is born with a certain proportion of the three gunas Satva, Rajas, Tamas. Only humans can change the proportion of these three gunas in them either for the betterment or the worse and no other creature has the ability to change that proportions. Most of us bring about this change for the worse because, to change for the worse requires no effort and to change for the better requires enormous effort. These three gunas remain in equilibrium and each one tries to dominate the other two. When this equilibrium is disturbed, ‘Pralaya’

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