Written Task 1 Hamlet Character Analysis

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Written Task One Rationale William Shakespeare’s insightful writing of “The Tragedy of Hamlet Prince of Denmark” depicts several well thought out characters that shape the entire story for an audience in the 16th and 17th century. Even readers today are entranced by The Bard’s writing and his conceptual characters that construct his plays. Every character in Shakespeare’s play is composed of several essential traits that capture their true nature and contribute to the tragedy of Hamlet. To analyze and understand the essential traits of each character, the following Written Task 1 will organize main characters into recipes that collectively compose a recipe book for the kingdom of Denmark. Fundamental characters that play a role in Hamlet’s tragedy were first analyzed and their traits were dissected to be represented in the form of a recipe. The recipe book will be written in modern English, mirroring the structure of a normal cookbook. The recipe book cover indicates its contents and intended audience. Each recipe is thoughtfully written with serving sizes, preparation and cook time, ingredients, directions, and serving suggestions that make references to evidence in the …show more content…

Slowly crumble murderous plan into bowl and mix on high until the plan is executed. In a separate bowl, combine incest and cunning nature and allow to sit for two months. Then combine with jealousy and murderous plan mixture, until well combined. Begin carelessly adding heaping spoonfuls of false compassion into mixture, along with lies one clove at a time. The mixture will begin to thicken. Bring this mixture to a showing of “The Mouse Trap,” and watch the mixture carefully as it starts warming up and almost spills out of the bowl. Sift guilt and add gradually to mixture. Bake at 360°F until madness begins to brown the edges. Serve warm at a duel, with a glass of

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