Project Titlejob Satisfaction Survey Analysis

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Project Titlejob satisfaction survey at XYZ organizationObjectivesConsciously and continually aiming to improve the quality of working life as means of increasing motivation and improving results. This survey involves increasing sense of employee satisfaction obtain from their work, so far as possible, reducing monotony, increasing variety and responsibility and avoiding placing people under too much stress. Ø The critical success factor of organization. Ø The opportunity and threats facing by organization in terms of rate and direction of growth quantified wherever possible. Ø Organization can shapes the progression of growth. Ø Continuous change and launch organizational initiatives that will have the greatest impact. Ø Workers can facilitate …show more content…

Examples of questions that probe employee job satisfaction might include “on a scale of one to five, describe your enthusiasm about beginning the work week” and “how many times in the past six months have you had an unscheduled absence from work simply because you didn’t want to be here?” To identify and define problems with performance appraisals, ask employees how many times they have received timely reviews from their supervisors. Granted, these may be awkward questions for some employees; however, they shed light on the level of employee morale, which is a strong indicator of job satisfaction. Provide employees with a guarantee that their survey responses are confidential and anonymous. Step 2 Facilitate employee focus groups for issues related to job satisfaction and performance appraisals. To ensure both confidentiality and anonymity, engage the services of a workplace consultant to ask employees questions about their working conditions and ideas for improvement. If you have a casual workplace where employees feel free to share their concerns, you may not need to expend time and money for a …show more content…

Step 4 Review exit interview responses from employees who voluntarily resigned their positions. Examine their answers, looking for clues that indicate poor job satisfaction was the reason for ending the employment relationship. Examples of reasons related to job performance and performance appraisals may indicate dissatisfaction with leadership. Addressing ineffective leadership may resolve employee complaints related to their performance evaluations, including supervisor bias, failure to conduct appraisals in a timely manner and rendering incomplete or inaccurate appraisals of employee performance MethodologyThere are two primary methodologies for conduction employee satisfaction surveys -- Internet and paper-and-pencil. The choice of methodology should be based on what is best for the respondents -- best in terms of convenience, ease of use, trust in the method. There is little difference in price between either method until the sample size numbers in the thousands, in which case Internet is more cost

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