Yeast Menace Research Paper

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The yeast menace refers to the potentially debilitating fungal infection Candidosis, also known as
Monilia, Thrush or simply yeast infection. When the ratio of friendly bacteria to Candida (which is a type of yeast) becomes out of balance, then the Candida can proliferate, resulting in Candidosis.
There are over 20 types of Candida, but the most common is Candida Albicans. In a healthy digestion system, our colons are populated by a large colony of bacteria which play a role in aiding the final stages of digestion and the manufacture of B vitamins. Usually, around 80% of the bacteria are considered 'friendly' and are primarily of the Lactobacillus Acidophilus variety, whilst the remaining 20% are yeast organisms, Candida Albicans.
Yeast can …show more content…

Those with raised blood sugar levels such as diabetics are also prone to yeast infection as are alcoholics and individuals regularly consuming a diet of highly processed and high yeast and sugar content foods. Each individual's biochemical make up can also influence the susceptibility and severity of symptoms of a yeast infection, whilst environmental factors such as house mold can also exacerbate the problem.
The symptoms of a yeast infection can be wide and varied and range from mild to severe. Perhaps the most obvious signs of an infection are recurrent bouts of thrush or cystitis, along with chronic tiredness. Warm and moist areas such as the mouth, groin and vagina are particularily suited to the growth of yeast and the first signs of an infection may display as thrush in these areas.
There are many other symptoms, some of which may not initially be diagnosed as connected to a yeast infection such as anxiety, depression and uncontrollable mood swings and in severe cases the sufferer may start to display quite neurotic behaviour. Allergies, fluid retention, inability to lose weight, chronic skin conditions and sugar cravings due to hypoglycemia are further symptoms that can be attributed to a yeast infection. …show more content…

Dairy products, eggs and meat may also contain small quantities of antibiotics and should therefore be eaten sparingly.
* Sugary foods including sugar itself, sucrose, maltose, lactose, glucose, sweets, chocolate, honey, syrups, bottled juices, desserts, dried fruit etc.
It can be seen that the range of foods containing yeast products and sugar is extensive, but the effectiveness of treatment will depend greatly on reducing the types of foods that feed the yeast and allow it to thrive.
It is important to check food labels before consuming any product as many of today's highly processed foods contain hidden sugars and yeast and also monosodium glutamate, which should also be avoided. Although fruit contains many nutritional benefits, the high sugar (fructose) content it contains is best avoided during the first few weeks of treatment as are milk products, the exception being live natural youghurt which contains lacto bacilli and can help re-balance the gut flora.

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