Youth Joblessness

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The consultancy Africa Intelligence article by Motlalepule MMesi (28/05/2015), reports that jobless youth is well-defined as those capable to work and looking for occupation, but not capable to secure an occupation. Although youths are understandably less economically active in the traditional sense at the beginning of their worthiness to enter the employment pool. Moreover, according to the standard United Nations definition, “youth” consist of young people aged from 15 to 24 years inclusive (United Nations, 1992). In practice, the in use meaning of youth or young individuals differs widely from nation to nation, reliant on cultural, institutional and political elements, (Higgins, 2009:9).
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Although this straightforward perception has been confirmed by numerous studies, (Bertola, Francine and Kahn, 2007:167 & Perugini and Singoreli, 2010: 265), there is no agreement as to the significance of youth cohort size in determining youth joblessness. Certainly, while some studies find aggregate demand elements to be more vital than demographic ones (Higgins, 2003, 2012); others affirm that the presence of the former the size of the youth has no impact.
Levin (2011:237) further clarifies that in terms of education and Training the growth in youth joblessness is the view that the quality of youth work pool has weakened in recent years by virtue of a drop in education and training. According to this clarification, youth are progressively lacking in the abilities that are essential for productive work …show more content…

The push factor comprises of the pressure occurring from man-land ratio in the rural parts and existence of serious underemployment rising from the seasonal cycle of the shortage of infrastructural facilities, which makes the rural life unpleasant. Youths move to urban parts with the possibility of securing worthwhile work in the businesses. In addition to this theory, Uddin (1987:20) highlights that there is the attentiveness of social amenities in urban Centre’s. This meant that the rural parts are disregarded in the allocation of social and economic

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