Youth Participation Essay

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Youth play a very important role both in the Church and society; yet they are usually left out in the Church programs. The future leadership of the Church and society at large depends on the well trained young people of today. According to Ellen G. White, “the Church cannot be complete without youth who are properly trained and well organized.”
Therefore, it is important for the leadership of the Church to come up with tangible strategies and activities that will enhance participation of youth in the Church programs. According to Barry Gane, “youth bring with them new life and vitality. The Church is languishing for help of young men and women who will bear courageous testimony, who will with ardent zeal stir up the …show more content…

According to Church quarterly statistical report for the fourth quarter (October to December) of 2016, “35 new members were baptized of which 28 were youth while only 7 were adults. The current statistical report of third quarter, 2017 reveals that 35 youth where baptised and only 7 adults got baptised.” This statistics prove the fact that youth have outnumbered adults in membership at Kanyama Central SDA Church.
Owing to the prevailing reality of youth non-involvement in regular Sabbath main service worship, they tend to view worship as an impersonal church program where they are mere spectator rather than active participants. This scenario may be cited for young people’s loss of sanctity of worship as may be reflected in observable use of mobile phones and social media chart sites during worship services. The other imposing challenge arise from the projected generational gap that would be created as a result of this non-involvement; thus once the current active generation phases out due to old age or even death, there can be perceived fall of worship standards and a possible introduction of dangerous liberal practices in worship. This disconnect allows for an improper training of the elderly to young people in matters of Church liturgy thereby lacking a systematic model for transmitting worship

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