Zenxin Agri-Organic Food Case Study

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Zenxin Agri-Organic Food (Zenxin) is Malaysia’s leading producer, distributor and retailer of organic produce. Zenxin are the member of International Federation of Organic Farm Movements (IFOAM) and it did have a complete production chain including compost factory, organic farms and organic wholesalers which is certified by National Association for Sustainable Agriculture Australia (NASAA). Furthermore, they are officially certified organic under the standards of Scheme Organic Malaysia (SOM).

Source: Zenxin (2016)

Zenxin has been a trusted source for organically-grown vegetables and fruits. It provided the broadest organic produce with over 60 varieties to over 70 supermarkets and 100 dealers in both Malaysia and Singapore. …show more content…

• Meet face-to-face if possible.
• Do not outbursts of emotion during the communication or meetings.
• Elders make the decisions.
• Candor is not appreciated.
• Do not visit a home without an invitation.
• Do not discard food from your mouth back to your plate or bowl.
• Gift giving is common practice in business - food is a good gift. o Good choices are items with your company logo on them for your first visit to Taiwan. o Avoid giving knives, scissors or cutting tools as they symbolize the cutting off of friendships.
• Exchange business card is very important, always prepare a large supply at all the times o Always offer or receive a business card with both hands. o Have a quick look at the card before putting it away. o Don 't place business cards in your back pocket.
Taiwan Communications
• A nod of your head is an appropriate greeting.
• Handshakes are the most common form of greeting with foreigners.
• Bowing slightly is a good way to show respect with your hands to your sides and your feet together - More Japanese than Chinese.
• Business has become westernized and both men and women shake …show more content…

It is shaped like a leaf that is narrow at both ends. It lies off the southeastern coast of mainland Asia, across the Taiwan Strait from China– an island on the western edge of the Pacific Ocean. To the north is Japan; to the south is the Philippines. Many airlines fly to Taiwan, making it the perfect travel destination. Source: Google Map (2016)
Due to the Confucian tenets Taiwanese culture is a collective one. There is a need to belong to a group larger than themselves, be it their family, school, work group, or country. They treat people with respect and dignity regardless of their personal feelings. In order to maintain a sense of harmony, they will act with decorum at all times and not do anything to cause someone else public embarrassment. They are willing to subjugate their own feelings for the good of the group.
Recommendation for market expansion

As a consultant, I do highly suggest to Zenxin the joint venture as mode of entry before invade Taiwan’s market. Due to the advantages, joint venture provides the benefits of access to new markets and distribution networks, increased capacity, sharing of risks and costs with partner. Into the bargain, the most important thing that we moved forward to globalization is to access to greater resources, including specialized staff, technology and

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