Ziziphus Mauritiana Value Chain Analysis

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Associations among Ziziphus mauritiana value chain actors in Muzarabani.

When Ziziphus mauritiana is collected from the fields, homestead gardens and the wild, about 80% of the produce is sun dried. In Muzarabani processing of Ziziphus mauritiana are mainly done aimed at producing Kachasu “spirits” and other non-alcoholic beverages(gununzvi). Since most of the Ziziphus mauritiana is dried, marketing and distribution is not a challenging task. Lorries and small trucks are used to carry Ziziphus mauritiana from Muzarabani to different markets. However, most respondents queried the way Ziziphus mauritiana is carried. No bio-safety measures are taken. People and Ziziphus mauritiana is a common site at the back of the lorries when being transported from the fields or to the market. Some vendors and middleman who operate at a …show more content…

• Price fluctuations (near or far terms)
• Knowledge and technology accessibility
• Government and nongovernmental organization
• Poor handling and packaging of the Ziziphus mauritiana Information constraints
• Gender constraints
• Infrastructure challenges

Financial and quality constraints
The study revealed that the poor community in Muzarabani and other selected actors, lack capital to acquire inputs, assets and equipment to improve Ziziphus mauritiana quality. Various actors in the chain also have less quality standard knowledge, and lack instruments and laboratories to ensure quality. Adverse economic and climate conditions prevailing in Zimbabwe since 1994 have not sparred the Ziziphus mauritiana value chain. During the hyper –inflation period prices were not predictable, the Ziziphus mauritiana producers and retailers were all affected. The introduction in the US dollar into market improved the Ziziphus mauritiana value chain.

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