Abigail Williams Essays

  • Abigail Williams In The Crucible

    959 Words  | 4 Pages

    the characters live in a society of judgement and extreme religious devotion. This is a factor that places any of the characters’ choices and morals in a public balance to be judged by others. Abigail Williams is the main character of the play and acts with an utter selfishness and obsession. Abigail Williams is the catalyst to the witch hunt and is relentless in her plans to have Elizabeth Proctor killed, destroying the lives of many just because in her head that would mean John will want to be

  • Analysis Of Abigail Williams In The Crucible

    1422 Words  | 6 Pages

    Abigail Williams “The Crucible” by Arthur Miller is a fantastic play with eloquent undertones underpinning all of the main themes and ideas. All of the subject matter when submitted to scrutiny displays a vast level of thought on Miller’s part, especially in regards to the individual characters. But the one with the most forbearance on modern society and the most substance to it is Abigail Williams and how she methodically forces the other characters to fend for themselves in ways that are less than

  • Abigail Williams And Elizabeth In The Crucible

    599 Words  | 3 Pages

    specifically between Abigail Williams and Elizabeth Proctor. In the play titled “The Crucible,” Abigail and Elizabeth illustrate that contrasting personalities can reveal who a person truly is; essentially removing the mask of perception. Abigail’s perception of herself and those around her fuels her power hungry state that ruins many people’s lives. This is illustrated when Abigail’s character is threatened and she responds

  • Abigail Williams In The Crucible Analysis

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    the characters live in a society of judgement and extreme religious devotion. This is a factor that places any of the characters’ choices and morals in a public balance to be judged by others. Abigail Williams is the main character of the play and acts with an utter selfishness and obsession. Abigail Williams is the catalyst to the witch hunt and is relentless in her plans to have Elizabeth Proctor killed, destroying the lives of many just because in her head that would mean John will want to be with

  • Theme Of Vengeance In The Tempest

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    Vengeance vs. Virtue The play The Tempest, by Shakespeare, explores the values of vengeance and forgiveness through the story of Prospero. The main conflict of the story is Prospero's lack of forgiveness for his brother Antonio, who stole his throne. This causes him to seek vengeance on Antonio and all his allies. Through the events of the story, it is evident that there is more value in virtue compared to vengeance. The action of vengeance does not resolve the original issue and in fact, creates

  • Character Analysis Of Abigail Williams In The Crucible By Arthur Miller

    347 Words  | 2 Pages

    has to have differing characters to drive the story forward. Some are easy to like while others take some time to understand. However, there is usually at least one that immediately stands out as the villain. In The Crucible, this character is Abigail Williams, a selfish and vindictive girl that loves to cause trouble around town. She is the opposite of Elizabeth Proctor, the honest and caring wife of John Proctor. The author, Arthur Miller, uses these women to suggest that reputations during this

  • The Importance Of Motifs In Children's Literature

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    Motifs have a major role to play in children’s literature. One such motif that is utilised in children’s literature that is hugely significant is “The garden”. Motifs such as “The Garden” have been utilised as a setting in children’s literature and furthermore, the utilisation of the motif “The Garden” can signify a variety of perspectives on a child’s text. This assignment will highlight the significance of “The garden” as a motif in a selection of children’s stories and novels. Innocence, Christianity

  • Relationships In The Farmer's Bride

    1082 Words  | 5 Pages

    Analyse the presentation of relationships in the Farmer's bride and one other poem Relationships dictates ones behaviour. Similarly, Charlotte Mew's poem deals with the institution of marriage that gave authority and legal rights to the man. However, James Fenton's poem is about surfacing from a long relationship. The rural society depicted in the Farmer's bride is a traditional one. The structure of Mew's poem features a dramatic monologue that reiterates the peculiar relationship 'betwixt' the

  • Literary Devices In Where Are You Going Where Have You Been

    804 Words  | 4 Pages

    In her short story "Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been?", Joyce Carol Oates utilizes a variety of literary devices to strengthen the story in its entirety. This short story is essentially about a 16-year-old girl named Connie and the conflict between her desire to be mature and her desire to remain an adolescent. Throughout the story, the audience sees this conflict through her words in addition to through her behavior. The audience is also introduced to Arnold Friend, a rather peculiar man

  • Atticus Finch Character Analysis To Kill A Mockingbird

    711 Words  | 3 Pages

    Mercedes Tyliszczak Mr. Hamelin ENG 2D1 4 April 2016 Literature and Writing: Character Analysis The optimal Southern liberal lawyer in Harper Lee's To Kill a Mockingbird; the main character Atticus Finch's has a great moral standard which any man would be proud to obtain. He is an archetype of personal courage in the first part of this novel chapters 1 through 11, and his courage is demonstrated over time repeatedly. Atticus displays his definition of courage through his actions and behaviors

  • Abigail Williams In The Crucible

    351 Words  | 2 Pages

    Abigail Williams, seventeen-year-old menace, launches the 1692 Salem Witch Trials with her profound accusations. Arthur Miller, author of The Crucible, develops Williams’ character to be incredibly unpleasant staring in the beginning of the play. Many prior events that shaped Abigail influence her behavior in the literary work, such as the loss of her parents. However, one’s actions cannot be excused by the events of their past. Therefore, Abigail Williams is completely at fault for the commencement

  • Abigail Williams In The Crucible

    308 Words  | 2 Pages

    Abigail Williams, the whore who points fingers, is known for going to bed to bed in the play The Crucible by Arthur Miller. Abigail is the one that had an affair with John Proctor and she centers at people to be a witch to get consideration.The fact that Abigail lies nearly having an issue to secure herself from the individuals in Salem. Abigail Williams motivates herself to be with the man she believes she loves, John Proctor. John Proctor came up to Abigail and begun to conversation and John

  • Abigail Williams In The Crucible

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    prevalent villain in The Crucible is that of Abigail Williams. Abigail Williams is the obvious villain in the play mainly due to the fact that she sends nineteen people to their death with no incentive to but rather that of self-pleasure. In Act I this manipulation is the most prevalent while Abigail is getting hit hard by assumptions of witchcraft by mainly Reverend Parris due to Betty’s comatose state. When, to slip out of the spotlight, says (Abigail 481) “I never called him! Tituba, Tituba …”

  • Abigail Williams Character

    721 Words  | 3 Pages

    Character Analysis of Abigail Williams “Everybody has the ability to be manipulative, to be hateful and deceitful” (Neil LaBute). This quote in itself speaks volumes when it comes to Abigail Williams and the people in Salem, Massachusetts in 1692. Abigail Williams is a main character in the play The Crucible by Arthur Miller. Abigail is a dynamic character. In the beginning she was an innocent girl that turns into revengeful girl who will stop at nothing to get what she wants. Through Abigail’s

  • Abigail Williams In The Crucible

    449 Words  | 2 Pages

    cast of the crucible breaks down to two main characters. Abigail Williams being the conniving ring leader of the trial, and Elizabeth Proctor, the honest and righteous wife. The characters of Abigail and Elizabeth differ in the value of the truth, over all demeanor, and what they do to save the ones they love. Abigail Williams is a conniving and deceitful girl who believes lying will get her through life. Having been an orphan, Abigail Williams knows not what love is and develops a desire for John

  • Abigail Williams And The Crucible

    787 Words  | 4 Pages

    .”(pg. 1097). Abigail is conversing with the girls to never say a word about what they did in the forest. Abigail reveals that she and Betty were engaged in heretical activities in a nearby forest, who was led by Tituba. Tituba was a slave owned by Reverend Paris, from Barbados. “You drank blood, Abby! You didn’t tell him that...You did, you did! You drank a charm to kill John Proctor’s wife.…”(pg. 1097). Betty was revealing that Abigail Williams was committing witchcraft. Abigail drank a cup of

  • Abigail Williams In The Crucible

    451 Words  | 2 Pages

    In the play, The Crucible, Abigail Williams and a group of girls danced and conjured spirits in the woods and began the hysteria of witchcraft in Salem. As the story unfolds, Abigail starts out as a troublemaker and gets caught in the woods. She lies to her uncle and tries to save herself but gets caught and fesses up. She is also obsessed with John Proctor, who is trying to push her away after an affair. Abigail was most responsible for witchcraft in Salem and should be held responsible for the

  • Abigail Williams In The Crucible

    637 Words  | 3 Pages

    falsely accused of witchcraft and were hung for the accusations. There are many people to blame for these acts. The one to blame for all of the accusations is Abigail Williams. Abigail WIlliams is Reverend Parris’s daughter and was the leader of the all the girls who were caught in the forest for witchcraft. There are many reasons on why Abigail is to blame for these trials and deaths. Early on in the novel the group of girls get caught in the forest dancing by Reverend Parris which is prohibited in

  • Abigail Williams In The Crucible

    533 Words  | 3 Pages

    find out why this happened and who is to blame. Abigail Williams is to blame for the deaths of all the innocent people in the Salem Witch Trials because she pretended to see the devil in people just so she could have one person dead. At the beginning of the play “The Crucible”, we find out that Abigail Williams used to work for John Proctor. They had an affair and John’s wife, Elizabeth, found out and threw Abigail out of their service. Abigail despised Elizabeth for separating her “true love”

  • Abigail Williams Jealousy

    1179 Words  | 5 Pages

    acts was death? In The Crucible, these events occurred and resulted in over twenty innocents accused of being with the devil that resulted in most of those innocents put to their deaths by being hanged or being pressed by large stones. Although, Abigail Williams did not kill any of them directly, she was undoubtedly the character to blame for the mayhem that was The Salem Witch Trials. One of the causes of Abigail’s unreasonable behavior against John is jealousy.