Arguments for the existence of God Essays

  • Mccloskey's Argument For The Existence Of God

    1742 Words  | 7 Pages

    On Being an Atheist The existence of God has been a huge issue for many years. The main McCloskey's issue with the idea of God is the presence of many evils in the world. McCloskey implies that the "proofs" of the existence of God cannot establish a factual evidence which supports the existing argument of whether there is God or not. Some proofs explaining the existence of God should be dismissed because they are not valid. Such proofs include teleological and ontological. A proof is an unquestionable

  • A Priori Argument For The Existence Of God

    502 Words  | 3 Pages

    Descartes defined God as a supremely perfect being, meaning that he contains all supreme perfections. Descartes argued that it is more perfect to exist than to not exist, therefore existence is one of God's supreme perfections and God must exist. 'God exists' must be true by definition because the subject (God) already contains the predicate (exists). Descartes also believed that God is a necessary being meaning that it is impossible to imagine him as not existing because it is part of his essence

  • Casual Argument For The Existence Of God

    734 Words  | 3 Pages

    of the existence of God is of importance in Descartes' journey through understanding. He uses self doubt and the acknowledgment of being an imperfect being to “prove” that God exists in the world of philosophy. Through his meditations Descartes shows the importance of doubting the self. Descartes has three major arguments for doubt, with the first one being to doubt the senses. There are four key arguments that Descartes initiates through

  • Descartes Argument For The Existence Of God

    1341 Words  | 6 Pages

    of his dreams. Descartes' belief in God was not based on this method of radical doubt, but rather on the idea that God is the source of all truth and

  • Descartes Argument For The Existence Of God

    679 Words  | 3 Pages

    complete truths, Descartes concludes that God exists, primarily because this idea is already within us. God’s existence is crucial in Descartes’ argument because without establishing that God exists, the Meditator (symbolic of not only Descartes but of anyone reading the Meditations and repeating his exercise) cannot be certain of anything bar that he is a “thinking thing” (Descartes, 1998, p.31). Descartes also uses God’s existence to prove there is no deceiver, as God would not allow this (Descartes, 1998

  • Aquinas's Argument On The Existence Of God

    1168 Words  | 5 Pages

    God 's existence has been a continuous debate certainly for centuries. The issue of God 's existence is debatable because of the different kind of controversies that can be raised from an "Atheist as being the non-believer of God" and a "Theist who is the believer of God". An atheist can raise different objections on the order of the universe by claiming that the science is a reason behind the perfection of the universe. In Aquinas 's fifth argument, he claims that the order of the universe

  • Descartes Argument For The Existence Of God

    1253 Words  | 6 Pages

    How do I exist? In my opinion, this is one of the most significant arguments that Descartes puts forward in his Meditations. How can he, or I, exist if there were no God? It is clear that by the time Descartes comes to write the Third Meditation, he is certain that he, Descartes, exists – but the underlying question is, how? God plays an important part in this (Cogito) argument (Stanford, 2014) because he rules out himself (Descartes, 1998, Page 38). Descartes suggests that if he created himself

  • Descartes Argument For The Existence Of God

    636 Words  | 3 Pages

    and what does he say about the God and what he says about the concept of error or mistake. The overall effect is to raise some doubts about association of Descartes’ philosophy with others philosophy In meditation III, Descartes establishes the argument on the existence of God. He tried to seek to prove the existence of God from the fact what does he know about him moreover, He settle an argument on if the god is not just his imagination and rather, his idea of god is something he was born within

  • Descartes Argument For The Existence Of God

    1251 Words  | 6 Pages

    at the very least his own existence. Descartes meditates on causal arguments for his existence, in this God is found. “God” in this text serves as a blank canvas to project the elements of Substance, God is eternal, omnipotent, and infinite. Descartes deduces that we as human being are finite beings derived from an infinite substance. We are essentially substance with some of the elements of this supreme being, God. A being encapsulating perfection, Descartes uses God and elements of its essence

  • Mccloskey's Argument For The Existence Of God

    2678 Words  | 11 Pages

    The existence of God has been hotly debated for centuries. With the rise of the theory of evolution and the enlightenment movement, people have moved away from the belief that there is a being who created the universe. Man has conquered the mysteries of science and become confident in his understanding of the world without God. H. J. McCloskey is one such person. He argues in his article, On Being an Atheist, against the classical arguments for the existence of God; namely: the cosmological and teleological

  • The Cosmological Argument For The Existence Of God

    997 Words  | 4 Pages

    The existence of God, an idea that has occupied the minds of the most brilliant philosophers in history. In response to this question they created three major arguments for the existence of god. These arguments are the cosmological argument for the existence of god, the anthological argument for the existence of god and the theological argument for the existence of god. The Theological Argument for the Existence of God also known as the Argument from Design or the Intelligence Design Argument states

  • Ontological Argument For The Existence Of God

    791 Words  | 4 Pages

    God exists or not? From ages the question that remains unanswered is ‘God exists or not?’ There have been several arguments proposed and deliberately debated over centuries on the ‘Existence of God’. These arguments are categorized as metaphysical, logical and empirical under the ‘philosophy of religion’. Each of these arguments follows different ideas to reach to a common goal- God exists or not? The ontological argument also tends to prove the existence of the Omnipotent, Omnipresent and Omniscient

  • Descartes Argument For The Existence Of God

    962 Words  | 4 Pages

    the only undeniable truth is his own existence because he must exist to think about his existence. His argument is compelling, but for one problem. In this paper, I shall argue that Descartes’ argument that his “thinking” (Descartes, 153) is proof of his existence is flawed because he establishes no premise to claim ownership of this thinking. I will also claim that even if Descartes is creating his own thoughts, albeit a lack of appropriate proof, his argument still does not prove a causal relationship

  • Descartes Argument For The Existence Of God

    1476 Words  | 6 Pages

    Descartes presents an argument for how we know that we exist. It is difficult to question something we don’t know because we don’t know where to start. If there is an answer, there is a question, however if humans do not exist, there would be no one to question their existence. On the topic of existence, Descartes claims that he cannot be misinformed about his own existence, and that he is a thinking thing. Everything exists both through imagination and through reality. In some religions, people

  • Arguments Against The Existence Of God

    270 Words  | 2 Pages

    The argument for and against the existence of god has been proposed by our great philosophers for so many years. cosmological argument makes an effort to prove that the god is exists by showing that there cannot be a boundless number of throwback causes to things that exist. Existence of god began with Plato and Aristotle who made arguments that would be classify as cosmological. As I believe the existence of god cannot be verified or unconfirmed. Every effect must have a motivation. The universe

  • Descartes's Argument On The Existence Of God

    753 Words  | 4 Pages

    the Meditator is creating arguments about the existence of god. This is where Descartes explains different reasons/premises to why god exists. Throughout Meditation 3, Descartes goes back and forth with his arguments arguing one thing then creating a counter argument to it at while still focusing on the main thing which is does god exist. For those wondering whether god does really exist stay tuned into what Descartes says. The premises from the meditation that claim god doesn’t exist are weak and

  • Wager's Argument For The Existence Of God

    378 Words  | 2 Pages

    resolved that you can convince a non-believer to affirm the existence of God using philosophical arguments. As the opposing side, Sarah and I counter argued the following: the argument from motion, the ontological argument, Pascal’s Wager, the cosmological argument, the teleological argument, and the moral argument. The argument from motion argues that it is only possible to experience that which exists, and people experience God, therefore God must exist; however it can be counter argued that since

  • My Argument For The Existence Of God

    1693 Words  | 7 Pages

    Religion My argument for the existence of God related to philosophy of religion is viewed really significant. Among very famous philosophers, Aristotle’s explained Metaphysics; the necessarily preceding root of unending happening is a mover who can’t be moved, who is like the purpose of desire or of thought, inspires motion without itself being mover and a direct viewer of our heart and mind. He is the mirror of our thoughts, feelings, emotions and beliefs. This according to logic is God, the subject

  • Teleological Argument For The Existence Of God

    1569 Words  | 7 Pages

    Argument for the Existence of God: Teleological or Designer Argument In the Teleological argument for the existence of God, focuses on Paley’s idea that the world by observation exhibits order and purpose and there must be a divine intelligence, a supreme designer for a perceived purpose to occur (Pojmans, 118). Darwin and Hume each presented an objection on the Paley’s analogy and argument on the existence of God, based on the complexity in human artifacts and man-made objects (126) .The argument

  • The Cosmological Argument For The Existence Of God

    939 Words  | 4 Pages

    The question of the existence or non-existence of God has been an argument that has continued for decades. Philosophers and non-philosophers have argued both sides but a shed of solid evidence for or against the existence of God has not been established. In my opinion, anyone who attempts to answer the questions will soon realize that not only is it such a broad question but rather an overwhelmingly consuming exploration. In Islam, Judaism, and Christianity, God is defined as a sovereign being