Incredible Paraguay Paraguay is a landlocked country between Argentina, Brazil, and Bolivia. The landscape varies with swampland, subtropical forest and chaco, wildernesses that consist of savanna and scrubland. San Bernardino is one of the main gateways to the capital city of Asuncion. It is located in a lovely setting by Lake Ypacarai. Visitors arrive by ferry to enjoy the swaying palm trees and stretches of sand. For those who want to live it up there are plenty of discos and bars and partiers
the restaurant is an Aurovillian restaurant and recognizes the Auro card, the restaurant is located outside of Auroville. Based on my previous observations since being in the field, I have noticed that there is definitely a difference in visitors to Aurovillian restaurant and local Tamil restaurants. I am curious to see if in the context of an Aurovillian restaurant outside of Auroville that takes both aurocard and alternative forms of payment, whether or not there will be a difference in my observations
that such world, where everyone leaves on cloud nine is real? If not, I’ll try to prove the opposite. I’ll show you two main examples. First is Auroville. Auroville wants to be a universal town where men and women of all countries are able to live in peace and progressive harmony above all creeds, all politics and all nationalities. The purpose of Auroville is to realise human unity. This project was started at 1968, now it is approved by UNESKO and more than 3 000 people from 45 countries are involved