Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid Essays

  • Butch Cassidy And The Sundance Kid Essay

    564 Words  | 3 Pages

    Although Butch Cassidy and The Sundance Kid displays some of the typical aspects of the Western genre, such as having action and adventure and taking place in an untamed frontier, it mostly depicts aspects that are not typical of the Western genre. Unlike many Westerns, Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid is not overly violent. There are some shooting scenes, but the movie is mostly focused on the debacles that Butch Cassidy and Sundance get themselves into. In the beginning of the film Butch and Sundance

  • Analysis Of Butch Cassidy And The Sundance Kid

    1980 Words  | 8 Pages

    Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid is a 1969 American Western film directed by George Roy Hill and written by William Goldman (who won the Academy Award for Best Original Screenplay for the film). Construct freely with respect to certainty, the film recounts the account of Wild West bandits Robert LeRoy Parker, referred to history as Butch Cassidy (Paul Newman), and his accomplice Harry Longabaugh, the "Sundance Kid" (Robert Redford), as they relocate to Bolivia while on the keep running from the

  • Compare And Contrast Butch Cassidy And The Sundance Kid

    838 Words  | 4 Pages

    Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid are two bank robbers in a Western world. Their lives are all guns, ammo, and fleeing from the law. Written by George Roy Hill, this film follows this pair’s escape from the law. The words “Western Film” bring about thoughts of Sheriffs and men who must strictly follow the laws of the land. This film, however, is different from the rest of its type in very subtle ways. It differs from the likes of Edwin S. Porter’s The Great Train Robbery in that it provides a commentary

  • When Youth Violence Spurred 'Superpredator' Fear By Clyde Haberman

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    In 1995, political scientist, John Dilution, introduced the phrase super-predator. He referred to the coming of super-predators as kids who arise from inner black neighborhoods who created bloodbaths in America’s streets. One year later in 1996, Hillary Clinton labelled young black children as super-predators as well. Ever since Dilulio and Clinton began spreading the term, “super-predators”, it has settled its place in today’s politics and the on-going debate on effects of race on incarceration

  • The Dark Knight Opening Scene Analysis Essay

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    “I believe whatever doesn’t kill you simply makes you stranger” (The Dark Knight, 2008), this is the stand out sentence that the main antagonist, The Joker (Heath Ledger) speaks in the opening scene of the movie. Not only does this line set up the suspense for the rest of the movie but it also sets up the suspense for the opening scene of the movie. ‘The Dark Knight’ is a film directed by Christopher Nolan that builds suspense and intrigue throughout the movie, the director uses mise-en-scene, mise-en-shot

  • Billy The Kid Research Paper

    1094 Words  | 5 Pages

    Billy the Kid and what did he do? William Henry McCarty Jr, A.K.A, Henry Antrim, A.K.A, William H. Bonney, A.K.A, Billy the Kid, A Scorpio Born in obscurity, however some think, the Big Apple. McCarty, (Kid) was orphaned at 15 and it is believed that this is when he started his career as an outlaw. As he grew up he developed quite a persona. Using a bit of frontier charm, Kid was the fancy of many a Cat house. Kid also had a violent streak to him, conducting many heists and robberies. Kid eventually

  • Wild Bunch Research Paper

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    notorious gang of outlaws, the idea was proposed by Butch Cassidy and he became the leader of the Wild Bunch. Butch Cassidy had an unhealthy disrespect for the law enforcement from a young age and had a love for how easy it was to get money on the outlaw path. The Sundance Kid, originally named Harry Longabaugh, left his home when he was fifteen but was imprisoned in the town of Sundance, where he got his nickname. Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid were criminals because of the crimes they committed

  • Compare And Contrast Motor Cycle Diaries And Sundance Kid

    995 Words  | 4 Pages

    Through out film history films have shared a lot of characteristics. They can be all the same and some can be different. In this essay I am going to take a look at are The Motor Cycle Diaries and Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid. I` m going to show the relationships of friends in both of these films. They are both buddy films that are about two friends going on an adventure. In The Motor Cycle Diaries it is about two friends going on a trip across South America to help people who have leprosy

  • Film Analysis: Butch Cassidy And The Humdance Kid

    447 Words  | 2 Pages

    Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid was a nostalgic Western at the time of its release, and in time, most people were nostalgic for this film itself. It is a much beloved film, but like most movies carried by mystique and charisma, it works a kind of magic that will hit some very hard and completely miss others. Newman is Butch and Redford is Sundance, the brains and the guns of the infamous Hole-in-the-Wall Gang, a gang of bank robbers that were as beloved as they were feared. They are good at what

  • Butch Cassidy: A Brief Biography Of Robert Leroy Parker

    318 Words  | 2 Pages

    known better as Butch Cassidy, was born in Beaver, Utah on April 13, 1866. Among his 12 other siblings, he was the oldest child in his Mormon family. His first job was in Wyoming as a butcher, hence where “Butch” came from. However, he wanted a better life for himself, so he left home as a teenager to work on some ranches and farms. He eventually met Mike Cassidy, a rancher who was known for stealing cattle and horses. Young Robert “Butch” admired this rancher so much, he used “Cassidy” as a last name

  • Old West Women: Pearl Hart And Etta Place

    544 Words  | 3 Pages

    “Bang!” the man fell fast to the ground unconscious before The Bandit Queen and her partner, Joe Boot, robbed him. Women in the old west are often perceived as weak, submissive, and dependent. In actuality, many women in the west were powerful and crime leaders during this time. Females were starting to be known for their gang affiliation and dangerousness. Some of the most recognizable rebel women from the south were Pearl Hart, Ann Bassett, and Etta Place. The first outlaw on the list is Pearl

  • Compare And Contrast Randy Kennedy And The Sundance Kid

    406 Words  | 2 Pages

    Shane and Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid reflect one side of the same coin. They both exist as Westerns, but both offer something different to the genre. The first thing was immediately apparent about Shane was the gorgeous backdrop of the valley outstretching creating a wide beautiful vita all the way up into the mountains. The framework of the story is a very simple ranchers vs. homesteader’s tale. While the idea is not exactly new, the way the story handles the character of Alan Ladd, who

  • Important Elements Of A Film Analysis

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    An example from a film we have read in class is in Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid when the Superposse present themselves while Butch and his group are robbing the train. The Superposse begins to chase Butch and Sundance, which causes them to run away. The rising action is the events that build up to the climax that happens after the inciting incident. An example of rising action in

  • Billy Joe Thomas Popular Songs

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    Woman” followed by one of his greatest hits “Hooked on a Feeling” featured on his album On My Way. He performed the Burt Bacharach/Hal David song “Raindrops Keep Falling on My Head” and his version of the song was included in the movie Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid. The song went on to win the Academy Award for best original song and became a number one hit. This brought Thomas his third gold record. Among his other hits in the 70s were “Everybody’s Out of Town”, “I Just Can’t Help Believing”,

  • Paul Newman Biography

    1575 Words  | 7 Pages

    (1961), Hud (1963), and Cool Hand Luke (1967) (Ebert). In addition, Newman directed the 1968 film Rachel, Rachel starring his wife, which was nominated for Best Picture (Harmetz). His superstardom was set in stone with the release of Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid in 1969, which starred Newman and his friend Robert Redford in the title roles. The film stands as one of the most successful Westerns in history (“Paul Newman.” Newsmakers). During this period, Newman was best known for playing rebellious

  • Thelma And Louise Research Paper

    990 Words  | 4 Pages

    I thought it was a powerful movie for women.  What makes Thelma and Louise unique is that it involved two women as the main characters.  Previously, these types of movies were made with two men “Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid” or a man and woman with “Bonnie and Clyde”.  Thelma and Louise asserted control over their lives and bodies.  Instead of fighting back at the end as most men in movies are shown to do, Thelma and Louise went out on their own way and decided not to be punished for their

  • Pulp Fiction Editing Analysis

    1100 Words  | 5 Pages

    Last name Name Teacher's name Course Date PART 1 "Around 1900-1910, as filmmakers started to use editing, they sought to arrange their shots so as to tell a story coherently and clearly"(p.94). How a movie is accepted by an audience is determined by its amid other factors. A movie that is clear and well edited is more acceptable and sells better. Filmmakers are continually developing and implementing new editing techniques to improve the quality of their films. Main characters

  • All-Natural Diet Benefits

    2205 Words  | 9 Pages

    Benefits of an All-Natural Diet for Dogs The benefits of an all-natural diet for dogs will far outweigh the time and money you spend on ensuring the health of your pet. These include: Fewer trips to the veterinarian No need to spend money on vitamin supplements Better looking coat and decreased shedding Longer life span Less stool that smells better A happier dog When you switch your dog to an all-natural diet, you may notice some intestinal distress as your pet gets used to it. To minimize the