Gathering Blue Essays

  • In Gathering Blue

    1840 Words  | 8 Pages

    Not a song of words of tones, but a pulsing, a quivering in her hands as if they had life. For the first time, her fingers did not direct the threads, but followed where they led” (45). This was said about Kira, the main character in the book Gathering Blue by Lois Lowry. Kira is a threader seems to have a magical talent when it comes to threading. It is almost like her fingers know what to do, even though her brain doesn’t quite know what they are doing. While her mother was dying, she used that

  • Symbolism In Gathering Blue

    441 Words  | 2 Pages

    Ignorance is bliss. That line is spouted everywhere in society, but in truth, ignorance is bondage. That is what Lois Lowry teaches in her book Gathering Blue. Throughout the novel, she builds this theme through the utilization of symbols, characters, and _________. Symbols are a powerful tool in proving ignorance is bondage. One of the symbols used is the beasts. The beasts are an illusion created by the leaders of the village to scare the people. Their fear chains them to the will of the

  • Gathering Blue Essay

    457 Words  | 2 Pages

    In Gathering Blue by Lois Lowry, I would film the book in color. A plentiful amount of the story talks about color and I feel that if the color scheme got taken away when filmed, it would drastically make the story a lot worse. Gathering Blue is about a character named Kira who lives in a dystopian world (This book is related to The Giver. Afterall, it is part of the same series and the same author wrote them both.) where she has lost her mother. Kira is bound to be banished because her father,

  • Gathering Blue Essay

    798 Words  | 4 Pages

    As I read Gathering Blue I wonder about the decision making process of characters like Kira or Matt and if they would be in their situation if Matt wasn’t as reckless. You are the author of Gathering Blue along with other great books including The Giver, and Number the Stars and you have won two Newbery awards for both these books which I do admire. Writing this letter to you, Lois Lowry, will help me better understand the choices you have made while writing this book as well as helping me to start

  • Transformation In Gathering Blue

    714 Words  | 3 Pages

    In life everyone changes and this is just a part of finding out who they are as a person. In chapters 16 and 17 of the fiction novel Gathering Blue by Lois Lowry, Kira, the main character, has changed. Kira changes by realizing that she is trapped in her not so great community and because of this Kira becomes more mischievous and secretive. Kira changes and realizes many things in chapters 16 and 17. These realizations usually lead to these changes in Kira. One of the main changes Kira experiences

  • Essay On Gathering Blue

    660 Words  | 3 Pages

    rock bottom is that there is only one way to go - up. In Gathering Blue by Lois Lowry, a young girl Kira goes through strategic battles as her unique talent is recognized and as she is placed with a very special responsibility as her conflicts surround her. The characters play a role as they rank in different ranges of Maslow’s Hierarchy; a chart which places human mortality with what they find themselves and are accepted as. Gathering Blue includes dynamic and static characters as they develop new

  • Gathering Blue Identity

    1130 Words  | 5 Pages

    realized after death since at that point they have already fulfilled the mission or duty they had set since. People are able to do what God wants them to do so they each play a certain role that was planned even before they were born. The book Gathering Blue by Lois Lowry is based on a story of Kira who happens to be an orphan with a disabled leg who lives in a society where it is savagery and is

  • Gathering Blue Summary

    1331 Words  | 6 Pages

    Summary Gathering Blue was written by a Newbery Award Winner, Lois Lowry. The book starts off with a girl named Kira, she has a broken leg which keeps her from doing a lot of things. Unfortunately, Kira has no siblings and her mother and father died, which makes her an orphan. This created a lot of controversy, whether or not Kira should stay in the village because she has no guardians to watch her. Kira agreed to live in the Council Edifice where she is given a task for the community after she went

  • Gathering Blue Themes

    507 Words  | 3 Pages

    Gathering Blue by Lois Lowry is about a girl named Kira who has a twisted leg. The people in the community she lived in, was about to kick her out of the community. But because she have special talent, they let her stay in the community. The theme of the book is Don’t judge someone on their appearance and the second theme is Don’t underestimate people. The story shows these themes because kira was judged by her twisted leg, but she had a special talent that the community needed. The first theme

  • Gathering Blue Analysis

    538 Words  | 3 Pages

    Authors often write of those who abuse their power in society for their own personal gain. In Gathering Blue, the author, Lois Lowry argues that people will abuse their power and take control over others. Lowry uses Kira, Thomas, and Jo to prove her argument. The author uses Kira’s character to argue the thesis that people with power will abuse it and make other people suffer as a result. Kira is being forced to leave her cottage because the death of her mother and the lack of a living parent

  • Analysis Of The Giver: The Term Release

    256 Words  | 2 Pages

    The Giver is a well known book that has won the Newbery award for its great and teeth grinding plot, yet has been under questioning in the past for its content like the topic of release to else were. for example when a child is released it is sad, but when someone older but still has their life a head is released it is a disgrace and the name is never used again. Then when an elder is released it is celebrated but then leaves you with a question what is release. Release is a topic that you notice

  • Mla Citation For Gathering Blue

    986 Words  | 4 Pages

    Sometimes pain can put you down, but it can also make you strong. The story, Gathering Blue, by Lois Lowry is a fictional novel that takes place in the future in a dysfunctional village where imperfections are unaccepted. Kira, a young disabled orphan girl, is taken in by the Council Edifice to work on the Singer’s robe for her beautiful threading skills after her mother died. While working on her new job, Kira learns lots of new skills, and is having a pleasant time until her friend, Matt, surprises

  • Gathering Blue Chapter Summaries

    1351 Words  | 6 Pages

    Gathering Blue was written by a Newbery Award Winner, Lois Lowry. The book starts off with a girl named Kira, who has a broken leg. This keeps her from doing a lot of things. Unfortunately, Kira has no siblings and her mother and father died, which makes her an orphan. This created a lot of controversy, whether or not Kira should stay in the village because she has no guardians to watch her. Kira agreed to live in the Council Edifice, where she is given a task for the community after she went to

  • Review Of Lois Lowry's 'The Giver'

    803 Words  | 4 Pages

    The Giver Are things as good as they seem? Are things as good as they seem? This is the reoccurring question I ask as I read Lois Lowry’s “The Giver.” As the story begins, Jonas, the main character, is having trouble finding the “precise” word to describe his feelings about the communities upcoming, Ceremony of Twelve. His determination to find just the absolute, exact word causes an uneasiness, a sense of something “not quite right”, it foreshadows future predicaments and turmoil ahead

  • Dynamic Character In Gathering Blue

    447 Words  | 2 Pages

    People who are dynamic change throughout a story or their life, and people who are static don’t change at all.Gathering Blue is a story about a girl named kira who lives in a dystopian society. Maslow 's Hierarchy proves this statement by the 5 sections that make it up. In Gathering Blue there are a lot of characters that are dynamic and static. Kira is a dynamic character who changes throughout the story. Kira is a girl who lives in a cott. Her father was killed by “beast”. Kira is dynamic at

  • Gathering Blue Character Analysis

    712 Words  | 3 Pages

    Characters can go from scrawny, to powerful; dumb, to smart; and mean, to kind. In the book Gathering Blue there is character growth and characters that don’t change at all. Maslow’s Hierarchy is a triangle that describes your level of personal growth. In Gathering Blue the characters Kira, Jamison, and Thomas are all on Maslow's Hierarchy in one way or another. In Gathering Blue Thomas is a very dynamic character, he is a carver who had his parents killed in a lightning storm and then starts living

  • Gathering Blue Character Analysis

    472 Words  | 2 Pages

    This essay is going to tell you about three characters and their zodiac signs. A zodiac sign most of the time explains how or the characteristics of a character from my story, "Gathering Blue." By Lois Lowry. The three characters that I am going to tell you about is Kira, Matt, and Dan. My first character analysis is Kira. Kira was the main character in my story and the traits she was in between are sad, negative, dependent, and afraid. This is so because she had lost her mother to a sickness and

  • The Giver And Gathering Blue Analysis

    2413 Words  | 10 Pages

    children and the most famous books she ever wrote was the giver and gathering blue. Each book has a different protagonist but both of them have been written in the future era. She wanted to write books as it was her passion and she has taught many young readers on how to deal with social and political life. She is best known for writing books on expressing realistic life experience. The two books I read were The giver and Gathering Blue, these two books talk on how she wants society to become a better

  • Gathering Blue Character Analysis

    252 Words  | 2 Pages

    In the novel Gathering Blue some characters have shown that they have Maslow’s Hierarchy needs and they have progressed throughout the novel. I chose to talk about Vandara because she’s static and she’s interesting to me. She has her basic needs but not her psychological and self-fulfillment needs. She tends to always be angry and she doesn’t has friends and doesn’t try to make a change. She rather put up a wall and fight rather than open up to people therefore, people are scared of her and doesn’t

  • Compare And Contrast The Giver And Gathering Blue

    2538 Words  | 11 Pages

    children and the most famous books she ever wrote was the giver and gathering blue. Each book has a different protagonist but both of them have been written in the future era. She wanted to write books as it was her passion and she has taught many young readers on how to deal with social and political life. She is best known for writing books on expressing realistic life experience. The two books I read were The giver and Gathering Blue, these two books talk on how she wants society to become a better