Compare and contrast the main ideas articulated by General Giulio Douhet and Marshall of the RAF Hugh Trenchard General Giulio Douhet was a professional artillery officer in the Italian army. He very quickly recognised the military potential of the aircraft and wrote ‘Rules for the Use of Airplanes in War’ in 1912, this was the first doctrine of its kind. Mussolini appointed Douhet as commissioner of aviation this enabled him to create a vital impact on the development of airpower theories during
under the roof of De’ Bardi. These meetings were known to include famous men and businessmen from Florence. A major contributor to the formation of the Florentine Camerata was a young Girolamo Mei who too, was a philologist. Vincenzo Galilei and Giulio Caccini were two composers and teachers who also joined and contributed to the group. The Florentine Camerata was formed in the late renaissance with intentions
The renaissance was a period that affected greatly Europe by its social and cultural changes. It started in Italy and slowly made its way up to France. It was the period of the Greek cultural rebirth. It was demonstrated by a group situated in Florence, Italy. They were called the Florentine Camerata.In the late renaissance, the Florentine Camerata had a set of goals that they wanted to accomplish and composed music in hopes that they would be able to see out these goals. The Florentine Camerata
It consisted of humanists, poets, musicians, and scholars, including Giulio Caccini, Pietro Strozzi, Vincenzo Galilei, and Girolamo Mei. The Camerata frequently met to discuss advancements within the musical and dramatic arts. This group strongly believed in the goodness of Greek dramas, and strived to bring them back into existence