Helmuth von Moltke the Elder Essays

  • Liberalism In The Haitian Revolution

    920 Words  | 4 Pages

    Slavery in Haiti during the late eighteenth, and early nineteenth century was a very contentious issue. The sugar farms in Haiti accounted for much of the French economy, and slaves were necessary to farm sugar at the rate that they did. Haiti alone had 800,000 slaves, which was good for most in the world. Additionally, the sugar plantations had dangerous working conditions, and a high death rate. Toussaint L’Ouverture was born a slave on one of the plantations and given an education, something that

  • Compare And Contrast The Actions Of Baron De Jemini

    1074 Words  | 5 Pages

    “the attack itself is essential; the initiative must not be left to the enemy” and that the commander must hurl all available forces against these decisive points and pursue the enemy relentlessly: “massing, attacking, persisting.” In contrast, Carl von Clausewitz reasoned defensive warfare “is intrinsically stronger than the offensive,” and “simply the more effective form of war” and means to victory. Yet, Jomini would counter that “He who awaits the attack is everywhere anticipated: the enemy fall